I just have to say this forum has changed my life and my credit. I am well on my way to my goals. Just to show the newbies some of my results: I have had 7 negative TL's removed from my TU report, 5 from my Equifax and 3 from Experian (some were paid chargeoffs, others I just disputed as NOT MINE-on the older ones to great result) All this since April 2006. I couldn't be happier! I did a few goodwill letters on paid accounts and those were REMOVED as well! EXCEPT for one with Credit One Bank-they received my CMRRR letter and responded within 15 days (this account was paid and I was asking could they remove it). The letter I got back from the President's office, states they have initiated an investigation into the issues presented in my letter. They want me to call and discuss. Should I do that? Here is another problem. I did a few DV to CA's and it's past the 30 days mark and have received NOTHING. How do I proceed? The one account was disputed with Experian and they verified it (the other CRA's deleted this account when I disputed as NOT MINE - and I swear it ISN't MINE) I have written to the CA for verification of the debt and nothing. So how did Experian VERIFY it and I haven't gotten any response? What's my next step? Write to Experian? Send another DV to CA? Threaten? HELP! THANKS SO MUCH for you help and support. I love creditnet!
Here is a site for info with lots of advice about getting these issues resolved. http://www.allaboutcreditreports.com/CorrectYourCreditReports.cfm Hope this helps.
A lot of banks president's offices will only talk to the consumer via phone. If it would be a CA, I would say no, but with the OC, especially an escalated response department, I would say yes, just take in-detail notes of the conversation, and look for a thread about memorializing conversations. CA's do not have to verify within 30 days. The 30 day period is for you to demand verification from the original contact. If your letter to the CA was after the 30 day period from their original contact, they don't have to provide validation, and they don't have to cease collection activity. However, here is what you need to realize about NOT MINE disputes, all they need to provide is two of the following to successfully verify a NOT MINE dispute. Name, address, social security number, and date of birth. Chances are 99% that your validation letter contained at least your name and address, so you provided them with the opportunity to update their records so that they could successfully battle the NOT MINE dispute.
With a CA, you can use two additional weapons to apply a bit of additional pressure for them to provide validation; or delete. #1) Search the forum, and www.ftc.gov for PCM (Performance Capital Management); it is a CA which the FTC basically put out of business for collecting unverifiable debts, and in many cases attempting to collect from any John Doe, even if it wasn't the right John Doe. http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2000/08/performance.htm http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/08/performcomp.htm http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/08/performconsent.htm #2) Look for Johnson v. MBNA on the forum, and download and read the judgement. Johnson said that a DF which can not conclusively verify the account from the original account records must delete. Now, with EX the unfortunate thing is that you may never have an opportunity to dispute the tradeline again; unless you find them reporting something contrary to how they verified it as this dispute. If you do get them to accept another dispute, consider yourself LUCKY!
Thanks for the response. Well I guess there is where I am confused. I have read loads on these forums about people trying to obtain Verification on debts and when they don't get word, they write to the CRA to get it deleted. I have copies of the letter I sent to the CA-Arrow Financial, and I have a CMRRR green copy. Can I send that to Experian and say I didn't get anything back from this CA-no proof this debt is mine. Is that feasible? I am POSITIVE the account in question isn't mine. No account number I own match up, nor does the creditor, DAG Financial 2002. Any pointers?
Or, if you know it is not your account, since you have disputed with the CRA, and the CA has verified, and you have disputed and requested validation from the CA with no response, you may now proceed to sue the CA, under FCRA, for reporting erroneously. The CA didn't have to prove anything to the CRA to "verify" when you disputed thru the CRA, but that was their chance to catch and correct their error with no liability. Nothing prevents their erroneous verification, other than the consequences of doing so, and their own interest in avoiding those consequences. Particularly since they have failed to respond at all, if you want to make one more attempt before using the courts, you might try contacting your state AG.
Ok. How do you proceed with the AG? Do you write them and tell them what's going on? Do they respond? I just hate that Experian is the only one giving me a hard time. The other CRA's deleted this account. I hear trying to deal with Experian is pointless since they are very resistant, so letting them know that I got no response isn't worth it?
Call your AG. You are a taxpayer and voter. They work for you. They may ask you to send in a complaint, and indicate what to include. The CA may decide it is not worth it, or they may say they already removed it, and EX is making the error. Either way, you push it along. If that doesn't work, get an attorney. If it is not your account, don't mess around. If EX says the CA verified an account that is not yours, that is all you need to take the CA to court. That is what Congress intended. The law gives you that option, and even allows for awarding your attorney's fees. It even allows for you to file suit in federal district court, or your state's courts, where you live. In the end, neither the CAs nor the CRAs have the final say on what they report. The courts do.
ok I used to live in NY now I'm in Arizona, been here over a year. This account has been reported since May 2002 when I lived in NY- Do I contact NY Attorney General or should the AZ AG be able to help me?
If it is not your account, who cares when it was first reported, or where you lived when it happened? They are failing to respond to your disputes, and damaging you, where you live, in AZ. Contact the AZ AG. You would also sue in AZ, under FDCPA, or FCRA, or AZ consumer protection statutes.
Ontrack- Thanks for the advice. I was asking about the AG location because I didn't know the protecal. I didn't want to contact AZ AG for them to tell me 8 weeks later, I need to take it up where I used to live. I've never had to do this before so I'm sorry if I am not familiar with all that needs to be done. I will do that, thanks!
Ok I was busy last night. I have complained about Arrow Financial and Experian to the AZ Attorney General, the FTC and the BBB. So hopefully something good will come out of this. Experian deserves to be ratted on. I went on the ripoffreport.com and loads of people were complaining about them there as well. As I looked at my CR, I see Arrow has done hard and soft pulls. Since that account has been deleted, can I request their inquiries be removed as well? Or do they have to stay on there?