Green Card Mystery

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lbrown59, Mar 1, 2002.

  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    MIL sent NCO 2 certified validation letters on 1/24/2 and has not gotten the cards back to date.
    On2/23/2 she got a letter from the original creditor informing her that NCO had told them that she had requested valadation.
    ?1*How did NCO know she wanted Validation if they never got the certified letters?
    ?2*If NCO did get the certified letters why didn't my MIL get the green cards back?

    NCO has called her to collect on this 7 times since she sent the Val.request.
    She also got a collection letter dated 2/24/2 from NCO on 2/26/2.

    This is disgusting 8 Violations and no green card.
    Is all lost or is there another way to hang NCO on the 8 Violations??
    =======Should she send the Estoppel next or what?
    Help her please.
  2. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Go to the post office and see if they signed for it and it is recorded. You can get a duplicate. Because the mail carrier is supposed to scan it at the time of delivery.

    Asset Acceptance did this to me. So I just started sending everything Delivery confirmation. You can check online when it was delivered to the address. Or you could try Express mail. It does cost $$$$$.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Should she go ahead and send NCO the estoppel letter now or should she wait a little while longer to see if the post office can track down the green cards?
  4. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    What I did, was go to the PO and ask what happened to this? They checked in the computer because it was over 30 days. They refunded the money I paid or you could have them try to get a duplicate signature. I did this for another account and I'm still waiting for the duplicate to come back. It's been so long that I've forgotten when I actually did this.

    I know they got it but I have no proof so I sent it again. This time delivery confirmation. I sent the validation letter again. Waited another 30 days and then sent the Estoppel. What I have started doing is sending a CRRR to each mailing address, if they have more than 1. I have also been sending it reg. mail to each street address if I can found out that info. I haven't gotten a response yet so I launching my next assault.

    Hope that helps!
  5. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member


    I also CC at the bottom of the letter. I have a stack of CRRR at home so I type each CRRR# that corresponds to the addresses.
  6. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I always add the certified mail number to the very top of my letter under address of the company.

    Maybe I'm paranoid but this is what else I do. When the postman uses the red stamp to 'cancel' the little receipt I have him cancel each page of my letter. I then go to the copying machine and make copies of each page to keep. Put the rest in the envelope and mail it. Then if I go to court I can basically "prove" what I mailed, because the postman canceled it at the same date, time etc he canceled my receipt. I staple the receipt and green card to the letter.
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Is It OK to go ahead and send the Estoppel now ??
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member confirmation only proves that the package arrived at post office at that zip code. It does not confirm that the person actually received it. Read the fine print on this.

    Also...if you aren't receiving the green cards back...or they aren't dated and for those of you who have been told the post office allows the CRA just to take the cards and return them later, contact the postal inspector...or start with your local postmaster. Back when I ran a business, customers were telling me their packages were just left for them (insured) and they didn't have to sign for them. My local postmaster told me to file a complaint because this meant I was not getting what I was paying for.

    You can also get "proof of mailing" from the post office. I am thinking it is 25 cents for this.

  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How do you get it?
    How does it work.Thank.L59
  10. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Proff of mailing is $0.75 and all it does is prove that you mailed *something* to the named addressee.

    Christi, I never thought about having the PO stamp the actual letter! Smart idea.

    Rather than use CRRR or delivery confirm, if it's really really important, I use the signature confirmation service. It's the neon pink forms and look a lot like the neon green delivery confirmation. There are two differences: signature confirmation can only be used with Priority mail, not regular or overnight express mail. The other is that before the postal carrier releases the item to the individual or company, they *must* sign for it. Their signature is then scanned and usually available within 24-48 hours by fax or snail mail.

    So when I send something with sig confirm, I check it's status online after 2-3 days. When the system says the item was signed for, I print that out and then tell it to fax me at work. Within the hour I get a letter from the USPS that includes the date/time/location of pickup and the date/time/location of delivery including the name and signature of the person who signed. No worries about lost cards coming back in the mail.


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