"green cards" not returned-what now

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by hotsauce, Jun 20, 2002.

  1. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    Well, first of all I would like to thank EVERYONE on this board because last month I started on the road to credit repair. I have started first with my husband's reports since he has the most damaged reports. As of today, I have been successful in getting 3 hard inquiries deleted and 2 charge offs deleted. I still have a long way to go-but I will not give up.
    Anyway, after sending out validation letters with return receipt requested to the oc's and ca's I have not yet received some of the "green cards" back. It has been past the days and I don't know what I should do next. I used the addresses from the credit reports so I don't know if that was the problem. Any suggestions??
  2. tinaboo

    tinaboo Well-Known Member

    How did you go about getting the charge-offs deleted???
  3. girliegirl

    girliegirl Well-Known Member

    If you have the receipts, you can "track" the green cards, I think. Either go to your post office, or you may be able to do it online - try www.usps.com - you might be able to do it there.

    And please, please share - how did you get those charge-offs deleted? Who were the companies?
  4. defender

    defender Active Member


    In the future, send two letters. One CRRR as you did, the second via first class mail. Ask the clerk at the Post Office for a certificate of mailing form. Said certificate is valid in a court of law.

    You now have two forms of proof. Cheap insurance in my book. :)
  5. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    defender: thanks a lot for the advice!

    tinaboo & girliegirl:

    I think what helped in getting the J.C Penney account deleted was that it was going to reach the sol in August, and the other was Discover(listed as an authorized user)
  6. jrobb42

    jrobb42 Member

    I had the same problem with several CRR greencards not returned to me after several weeks. I went to the post office and after confirming via thier own computer search (you can't do it from the website) that there is no delivery record, the manager gave me several "tracer" forms to fill out (one for each unique CRR). The post office "Investigations Dept" then sends the tracer forms to the individual post offices closest to where you sent it asking for confirmation.

    She told me that not all post offices scan the CRR when it comes in, depending on the volume of mail recieved at a particular place. I ask her "well if they won't take the time to scan it, what other confirmation of delivery would they have?"....she smiled and said "refund, honey, refund".

    I'm hoping that the certified send date actually means something to a judge- I'm sure the CA's won't have even have that and if they respond at some point perhaps we can reasonably pick the difference between send date and the CA's correspondence date.
  7. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    I think fax confirmations are good proof as well.
  8. hotsauce

    hotsauce Well-Known Member

    So what was your next step? Did you send another validation letter? Or did you go straight to the cra?
  9. jrobb42

    jrobb42 Member

    I'm going to Estoppel, sending CRR and hoping it comes back- I'll use the date of delivery on that one to show reasonable delivery time for validation.

    Like I imagine you're thinking, I don't want to lose all that time of the validation clock ticking by sending the same stuff, just to get a confirmed deliver date- I'm hanging my hat on the hope that my assumption will be reasonable to a judge, if necessary.

    I understand people wanting to double and triple ensure stuff gets delivered, but I don't want to pay that premium and I gotta believe it shouldn't be necessary- proof of send (and consequently eventual delivery) is what certified is all about.

    Good luck,

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