Green Dot now offering "Secured" Credit Cards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fl2BoysMom, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Fl2BoysMom

    Fl2BoysMom Well-Known Member

    We went ahead and got one and put an $850 security deposit on it.

    Our plan is to charge 30% the credit limit, make 3 payments of the minimum monthly payment, plus an amount equal to the minimum, applied to principal only, and then pay it off entirely in the 4th month.

    And also, get a second card like this, that we just pay the full balance on every month.

    I'm hoping this will build up some good credit quickly.

    What I like about this card v. other cards...

    Other cards want you to put up a $200 (or more) security deposit first, then send you the card in 2-3 weeks, forcing you to 'sit' on your money for 2-3 weeks.

    With this card, they mail you the card, you go an load it (cost is $4 or $5 to load) and then it's available for spending immediately.

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