Greetings and strategy check

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fame, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. fame

    fame New Member

    Greetings all. Your posts and information is just so helpful. I am trying so hard to connect the dots and to avoid doing myself further damage.

    I have been reading this board for more than 3 weeks attempting to understand everything that I need to know to clean up my credit reports. At times, I feel more confused than ever but it is time for me to begin.

    Please give me your expert thoughts about this strategy:
    1. Call each CRA and attempt to get insignificant personal information deleted. For instance, all my homes are listed in one report as commerical. I rented a garage years ago and it is listed as an address. I see a name which is the phonetic spelling of my initials. There is a problem with bad data entry as a result of my hyphenated name. On one report I am listed as MY employer which was never true.
    (?) If I attempt to call and get this done, am I creating another problem for myself ?

    2. I have 2 hard inquiries from CA which are listed as PP, which I intend to dispute with both CA and CRA in writing.

    3. I have one credit card which is paid and is closed and then opened which is showing as a negative as a 1x 90 day late. I am writing a goodwill delete request to them because I have 3 other TLs with them which are perfect.
    4. I am sending a HIPPA paid medical to the OC and a validation to the CA.
    5. I am sending a pay for delete letter rfor $68 with a proper agreement form.

    Give me your thoughts about what you think of these to begin.

    I am thinking that I should be sending DV to all collections listed just to get the ball rolling. For those that I question SOL, I need to really think about it. I have no records, but the TL in the a few reports do not have close and payment history or information to determine what the heck happened.

    I have a lien which if it is mine, I have no knowledge and certainly have no notices of, I believe it just isn't mine and it is from 1992 and nothing has been attached and I have not changed employment.

    Thanks for any assistance that you can provide. It would be much appreciated. I will also post 2 letters that I would ask to be assessed by those of you who feel that you can offer competent feedback and advise.

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