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Greetings from Creditnet... (long)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by odessa, Dec 6, 2002.

  1. odessa

    odessa Active Member

    Note: We'll just leave this at the top for a couple of days, until everyone has a chance to read it :)

    Dear Members, Old-timers, New-timers, and soon-to-be-timers:

    I have participated in this companyâ??s management for over 5 years now, and I would like firstly to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for making this the number one consumer credit forum on the net, Hands Down! You all are the ones that have built and continue to build this community. You make it unique and wonderful and everything else that it is and will become, and without you it simply wouldnâ??t be.

    Itâ??s a real pearl that we enjoy together here. Each contributing, enjoying, and in a sense owning a small piece of this community, which is truly something unique in all of the Internet. To look back and realize that when we started this experiment, the entire WWW space consisted of a few hundred web sites, and to see the amazing growth and remember all that has come and gone in the ensuing years, it truly is an accomplishment we can all be proud of, and one that could not easily be recreated considering our great history together over the years.

    I would also like to take just a moment to thank pbm for his extraordinary contribution and the legacy that he leaves behind. Although he took up the assignment somewhat reluctantly in the beginning, he certainly warmed up to it, and ultimately became downright passionate about it, which has really shown in the quality of his work and in the warm feelings that he has engendered during his tenure here. He is a man of rare talents, and will be missed by many. In fact, he was the first truly consistent and long-term board moderator weâ??ve had, and he sets a great standard for those to follow, which I feel we can all truly appreciate. May he have great happiness and success!

    Well, life certainly marches on, and it will be interesting to see what we do together during the next phases of our growth! I probably donâ??t have to tell you that we did not have another ProverbialBoardMonitor just waiting in the wings, and as we were given virtually no notice or lead time, weâ??ve had to scramble a bit to take things in hand and begin working on a transition, not only in the moderation department, but also in the other areas of the site and the associated vendor relations & business development. I apologize for any disruption that you have experienced, and Iâ??m sure you can understand the challenging nature of our current situation.

    As you know, creditnet simply does not generate any revenue from the board itself; we have provided it all of these years as a free community service solely at our expense. It is therefore important that we do generate revenue and ultimately profitability from the rest of the site in order that we can afford to cover the costs of maintaining and operating the board. Accordingly, we have hired a new manager for the creditnet.com domain, and one of his responsibilities will be to manage the board and/or to oversee those who do.

    Although our first order of business is, of course, to put in order the biz development, vendor relations, and accounts receivable aspects, weâ??ve already begun discussions regarding possible improvements to the board, in addition to the important moderation needs that many of you have recently mentioned. We are, for instance, looking into ways to vastly improve the search speed as a priority item, and to upgrade to the latest and greatest bulletin software engine.

    I also would like to assure you that until we have a more permanent solution in place for the ongoing board moderation, we will at least be looking in on the board and making an effort to keep off topic posts in their proper forum, etc., and to close or remove those posts which seem to be particularly disruptive.

    By the same token, I would like to invite each of you to be particularly conscience of your actions and the effects they might cause, and to be self-regulating as much as possible. Lets all work together to keep the costs down and the quality of the environment up, for the enjoyment of all.

    Once again, we certainly appreciate each of your participation, since it truly is all of you that have made and will make this board great; yesterday, today, and tomorrow!

  2. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    well, hello.
  3. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

  4. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    It is we, members of the CreditNet family that owe you and all the other people on the other side of CreditNet a deep and heartfelt thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have such a spendid forum. I too have seen the growth that is now CreditNet and have seen it evolve over the years into the Family it is today. I remember when CreditNet was actually split into 2 boards because of all the huckstering that was going on with the VISA creditcard offers (they all turned out to be scams if I remember right). I also remember when creditsense was just starting out and how many many people called him a scam, but he hung tough and has proved them wrong. Congratulations to you CreditSense. I remember when the infamous Bobby first descended on the scene and the uproar that caused. In short, I truly am an oldtimer here and I am really proud to say that CreditNet is quite literally the most positive addiction on the net. Thank you CreditNet.

  5. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member


    Nice post! I trust that you have considered this idea, but let me run this by you:

    Have a place where consumer protection attorneys can advertise and allow CNers to write directly to them thru email. It seems important that they list the state(s) where they practice. Thanks for a great site. :)
  6. odessa

    odessa Active Member

    Great idea Kid! We'll have to put that together. BTW, Thanks for the input.

  7. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Hi, Odessa. I appreciate the post. I have to admit to reading it with sadness about PBM's departure, however. I look forward to the changes you've mentioned and meeting a new moderator. And, shoot, here in El Paso, Texas, we believe anyone with the name "Odessa" has to be alright! :)
  8. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member


    It's good to know what's going on now, and what's gonna happen in the future with the board.

    I also look forward to the changes to the board.

    Great post!!!
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Greetings from Creditnet... (lo

    Thanks so much, Odessa, for keeping us posted and for being there during this transition.

  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Greetings from Creditnet... (lo

    Yes, thanks for the update, and thanks for the board!
  11. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    I will miss PBM, but also will welcome the upcomming changes. Thanks for keeping us informed on CN and thanks for a great board.
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I almost missed this thread. Thanks for keeping us updated, I was beginning to feel like the abandoned child.

    Is there anyway to place the "3 threads" that are required reading in the place where the "Creditnet Conference 2002" board is?

  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    CN 2002 IS GONE
  14. Simon

    Simon Well-Known Member

    Thank you for keeping us informed. It is good to know that the board is not entirely on auto-pilot.
  15. humblmarc

    humblmarc Guest


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