Hello, I post often on www.cardreport.com. I usually post questions regarding my FICO. Here is a little background: I am a 19 year old (20 this month) male college student that is a credit card collector for a major credit card company. I work there because they pay almost all of my tuition, have bonuses for collecting well, and it a good way to learn about credit at an age where most of my peers don't even know what FICO stands for. My debt background and current status: My father co-signed for an $11,000 car loan about 14 months ago (60 months, $280/mnth @ 13.3% yuck). Recently I traded that car in (used 1998 Saturn SC2) for a brand new 2002 Honda Civic. I tried to get approved on my own but was denied, so my dad co-signed. (60 months, $345/mnth @ 4.9%) I am engaged and am currently paying on a $2700 engagement ring loan @ 0% for one year (June 02 to June 03) Those are my installment debts: roughly $16500 for the car and about $2000 remaining on the ring. As for revolving debt: I have four credit cards: Dillards (store credit card, 0 balance)... 1st Financial ($800 out of $1000 @ 14.65%) ... Sears Gld Mastercard ($250 out of 450 @ 2.9% until 12/02) and the card my credit card company gave me, about $250 out of $1000 at fixed 5.75% (prime plus one). So... that is about: $18,500 in installment debt and $1300 revolving. I am a fulltime student also balancing my fiancee and cell phone. Needless to say, I don't have a lot of money to spend on going out, but niether of us drink or smoke so we don't have to spend money on that. My most recent credit report, about two weeks ago, gave me a score of 646 per Equifax... however, I would imagine my score is a lot lower now that I jumped from owing $9300 on my first car loan and now I owe $16500 on a new car. Anyway, I don't have an deliquincies or anything like that. Just wanted to introduce myself =)
Welcome to the board! I think the main reason why your score isn't over 700 is cause of your age (well your reports age).
First, welcome ! I hope you're posting legitimately and sincerely - admitting that you work in collections (OC or CA) is pretty ballsy. Don't be offended if you receive any grief here - we are the credit battered... lol Second - I envy your position. As Ron Woods sang, "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger". I never thought my credit use would come up to haunt me (I think a lot of us thought that), yet here we are. We're all fighting against a lack of brain cells and plain bad luck, whatever our situation, but we've found ourselves in the same dime store novel. Third - maybe you can help some of us with your knowledge of the CC industry, ie., general guidelines, industry standards, CC/CRA relationship info, etc.
Hey, no problem, I am willing to help. If you can't tell, I don't want to give out my company ID because I don't want to get fired! =) But yes, I received from grief on cardreport.com but that is to be expected. As to the first reply: Honda told me they thought I would get approved on my own signature because I have good credit and they could clearly see that I have been paying $280 a month for 13 months with no problems, so would $300-350 shouldn't be a big deal. Four hours later the financial manager came over and told me he wanted to give me the loan, but the main Honda financing office said I'm just too young for what they expect... he said most 19 year olds are in the market for used cars that are under $10,000 and their parents at their side. I didn't fit into any of those. Oh well, I got the car, my dad wouldn't sign for a 5-speed though, he made me get an automatic. =)
Troll. Trollbait Reminds me of a joke I once heard. A cop in uniform walks into a biker bar full of gang members. Everyone comes to a dead stop and looks at him. He says "Oh don't mind me I'm just hear to relax tonight. I mean you no harm". Everyone stays quiet for awhile then a few start talking. Everyone returns to what they were doing. The cop orders a drink. He's there to see if a certain gangmember will be in tonight. He sits at the bar and keep his eyes open. Soon he hears about certain business transactions. Later that night his suspect walks in and he already has a warrant so he pulls the plug. A dozen cruisers tear into the parking lot and cops bust up the scene. Not only has the cop been able to nab the suspect, who has been on the lamb for a long time, but he ALSO has heard a few things that might help him catch other criminals. By pretending to be friends, with people that normally would not trust him, the cop has built trust. I say...don't trust someone who is against you. There is no friendship with the enemy.
I'll give him credit for having the integrity to come out in the open, rather than merely lurking in the shadows of the board. We know they are there anyway, right? Better than having someone pretend to be on the same side as most of us here for a long time and then try their best to sink your ship, don't you think? So, from Quixote's corner, Welcome CCollector!
And while we're on the subject of bar jokes... A guy walks into a bar carrying a box under his arm. He sets the box on the bar and orders a drink. The bartender starts chitchatting with him and finally asks, "So what's in the box?" The guy opens the box just a little, reaches in and pulls out a little tiny piano. He sets it up just so. It's got a bench, a candelabra, the whole thing. The bartender is impressed at the intricate detail of the tiny piano and asks, "Does it make any sound? I mean, it's so small, you can't really play it, can you?" The guy reaches into the box again and pulls out a tiny little piano player, about a foot tall, all dressed in a tuxedo with tails and a tophat. The piano player sits down on the bench and begins playing a beautiful melody. The bartender is completely amazed and asks, "You got anything else in that box?" The guy reaches in and pulls out a shiny crystal orb and sets it on the counter. The Bartender asks, "What's that thing do?" The guy says, "If you close your eyes and rub the orb with your palm, it will grant you any wish." The bartender says, "You're kidding right?" The guys says, "Go ahead and try it. WHat have you got to lose?" So the bartender closes his eyes and begins to rub the orb with his palm while silently making a wish. Finally, he stops rubbing the orb and opens his eyes. He can't believe what sees. The bar is filled wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling with ducks. A million ducks. He says to the guy, "Hey! That's not what I wished for!" The guy looks at him and says, "You think I really wished for a twelve inch pianist?"
So this Dr. walks into a bank, reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Rectal Thermometer to write a chack, and says; OH GREAT - SOME A$$HOLES GOT MY PEN. Buawawawawawawa
Hey Butch, you know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer.............. The taste. Gib
That guy must have been a proctologist. You know what a proctologist is, right? A doctor who started at the bottom and stayed there.
Good catch! Sounds like something out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Was that an African or a European Cell Phone?
Welcome CCollector, thanks for sharing, I appreciate your insights. xhardc0rex, I find you particularly offensive. YOU are your worst enemy, stop blaming everyone else. Sassy
Hi CCollector...welcome to the board. I understand the negative feelings most of us have towards the collection industry, but let not jump the gun and insult someone for no reason. I think everyone deserves a chance to offer their opinions. If someone is making an attempt to be genuine, we should show them respect. And vice versa for those who come here with intentions of stirring up trouble.
Welcome CCollection!!!! I'm also new to this board... What can you tell us about a collection agency that could probably help us, atleast deal with some of the CA's out there?
I say this place needs more bar jokes. And maybe more booze to go with it. Maybe everybody would lighten up. Or at least pass out.