guerilla tactic for stuck accts....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dixidriftr, May 22, 2003.

  1. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    I believe it was Butch over who was talking about how when you sue a CA and a CRA over verification after non-validation, you pressure the CA to admit they never recieved the dispute from the CRA or the CRA somehow did not properly conduct the dispute in exchange for releasing the CA from the lawsuit.

    Well I decided to try a modified theory out on an OC and it appears it can actually work. The CRA didn't delete, but the OC did and additionaly gave me the evidence in writing I need to file suit against the CRA.

    I've typed up a sample letter to give everyone some ideas. Its still in rough form so don't pay any attention to any errors you should find.

    The letter should be used on paid OC's where you know the CRA did not contact the furnisher of information yet somehow still verified. Such clues to this are:

    1. reinvestigations that are completed in under a week,

    2. where you have disputed the information directly with the OC and the account is not marked in dispute by the OC after the CRA verifies,

    3. where there is obviously wrong information on the tradeline in question that gets verified.

    4. where 2 out of 3 CRA's have already deleted the account, yet one CRA still keeps on verifying

    The letter should be sent to the legal dept of the OC. You should be able to find out where to address the letter to after calling the corporate office and asking politly.

    Now then, on to the letter...

    Re: OC Name Acct. #xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx

    Dear (OC Name),

    I am contacting you now regarding the inaccurate information contained within my EQ/EX/TU (pick applicable) credit files associated with the above account.

    On xx/xx/xxxx I disputed the inaccurate information with EQ/EX/TU and it was subsequently verified on xx/xx/xxxx.

    Recently I have learned that EQ/EX/TU sometimes does not contact the furnisher of information when verifying a dispute, but merely verifies the information already placed on their magnetic tapes. Due to the nature and circumstances of my last dispute, I find it hard to believe that (OC name) has been contacted by the credit bureaus in question.

    Obviously, these sorts of things can create difficulties for the consumer in trying to correct inaccurate information on their credit reports and also legal problems for the furnisher of information because they never get a chance to conduct their own investigation into the accuracy of the disputed information. In addition, it can it can falsely implicate that a furnisher of information has knowingly or negligently furnished inaccurate information to a consumer reporting agency in response to a dispute.

    I have already suffered actual damages from the reporting of inaccurate information and am preparing to initiate litigation for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and my states consumer protection laws. However, I wish to make sure I have the responsible party before filing.

    If upon receipt of written confirmation that you have no record of EQ EQ/EX/TU contacting (OC name)â??s offices regarding the above account during xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx, I will focus my attention upon EQ/EX/TU for failing to properly investigate my dispute saving (OC name) from having to deal with a lawsuit and damages caused by EQ/EX/TUâ??s negligence in handling the matter. Otherwise, presume that (OC name) provided such inaccurate information to EQ/EX/TU during the reinvestigation process, and will be forced to proceed with the filing of a lawsuit to recover damages.

    (Optional paragraph) Please expedite all correspondence concerning this matter, as I am preparing to go mortgage shopping/vehicle shopping in the next few weeks, and any adverse action taken by a lender based on the inaccurate information contained on my credit report(s) will result in damages considerably more than what I have already suffered.

    Your cooperation in this matter will insure that EQ/EX/TU fully complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act when conducting reinvestigations of consumers disputes and possibly help reduce the number of lawsuits against your company caused by the credit bureaus disregard for the law.

    Alright there you have it, please feel free to pick it apart and rewrite it as neccesary as I know there are more eloquant writers out there than me.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    great letter!
  3. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Its OK.

    I thought to myself "What better way to prove that a CRA didn't do an investigation than to have an OC admit that they were never contacted."

    Not only that, an OC can legitamately state that cannot find any record of verifying a dispute even if the CRA does contact them in regards to investigate.

    As an added incentive it also gets you the consumer off their butts.

    I'd like to add another rule of use. The letter should be used on one CRA at a time.
  4. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    Great letter. I've always thought it would be great to have a CA or OC testify on your behalf against the CRA.

    It makes an awkward relationship between the CRA and the OC/CA since they seem conspire against the consumer together.

    Picutre the next time the president of EXP is at a party with the president of RMA or Amex knowing they testified against each other.
  5. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    Great letter! I have seen physical "debt verification forms" though that the CRA's send to the OC's and are filled out manually. If a CRA has one of these in their possession when you go to court, it's going to be
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    For some background on the genesis here go to:

    Excellent Job Dixie,

    Your letter is polite yet firm. It focuses your "anger" on the CRA rather than the OC and proclaims, beautifully, that damage has already occurred, and more damage will occur soon, thus adding a subtle sense of urgency.

    I REALLY like it. I wouldn't change very much, that's for sure.

    The only thing I might add is that a request for the response from the OC be "properly notarized, hand signed, in the form of an Affidavit so as to be valid in a court of law. Otherwise I shall have no choice but to add you as a respondent to avail myself of discovery".

    This would increase it's nuisance value and make it more likely for the OC to just delete the damn thing and be rid of you. Which of course is the idea.


  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    This tactic shall henceforth be officially known as . . .

    The CYA Manipulation Letter (©2003 dixidriftr)


  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Heh, heh, heh, Butch you are mean. Love it. Just copied that to my must-save folder on the old hard drive. :)
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: guerilla tactic for stuck accts....


    And we sneak through doorways low, fast and at odd angles.

  10. crofttk

    crofttk Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: guerilla tactic for stuck accts....

    Hey guys, I might have a test case for this, I don't know.

    Back in late Feb., we sent TU our BK7 papers (I know, don't ask, it's spilt milk !) and asked them to update all the included accts to IIB.

    We filed BK7 1/97.

    They did that on all that we requested. All IIB accounts, except the Fleet CC acct., show closed dates ranging 12/96 to 2/97 on the TU + FICO score report direct from TU (DW's report). Here the Fleet CC shows "not on record" as the closure date. It does show IIB and $0 balance.

    On her report, the 2nd among the top negative factors is "There is evidence of a late payment on your file as recent as 3 months ago...".

    On my report, which has a Fleet CC closure date of 6/97, the 2nd among the top positive factors is "The time since your most recent past due payment is old or unknown."

    My FICO was 670 whereas hers is 608. Simulator says if I pay off all my CC's (which I just did in last 2 weeks, hers and mine both) my FICO score will go to the 740-780 range !

    BUT, the same simulation on hers says her FICO score will only go up to the 628-668 range !

    On WK, all her IIB accts show closed except Fleet which shows OPEN (blank, like other open accts.)

    On PG, all her IIB accts show CLOSED except Fleet, shows OPEN.

    I'm pretty damn sure this lack of closure date on Fleet CC is the problem. I don't know how they F'ed it up when they got all the other IIB accts coded right !

    Anyways, we re-disputed the Fleet acct. 4/14 online with TU as "this acct. is closed". Got answer with report dated 4/22/03, "Verified, No Change".

    I just tried TU by phone and only got the runaround.

    So, I guess I need to do procedural request of TU on the 4/22 verification first (via CMRRR) before I send a letter like dixidriftr's to Fleet ?

    I don't have Fleet's address so I guess I could get that from TU by phone.

    Any thoughts ?


    P.S. Actually I just found an address for Fleet on her EQ report, in Horsham, PA. Just a spit down the road from us !
  11. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: guerilla tactic for stuck accts....


    The procedural request should be sent as soon as the the results of the investigation are recieved.

    Then apply for a few CC's so you can get some actual damages.

    The CYA Manipulation letter should be sent 30 days after the dispute was recieved by the CRA (To give the CRA plenty of rope to hang themself with).

    Its critical that the CRA doesn't have time to go back and do a proper investigation before the 30 days is up. All it would take is a phone call or fax from the OC to the CRA asking whats going on or vice versus and then the set up would be all over.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: guerilla tactic for stuck accts....

    Why couldn't an OC be held accountable for A CRAS actions just as they can be held lbale for a CAs actions?

    THE END ** *** ** LB 59

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