Gulf State OR "OSI Portfolio"

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by javan, Apr 11, 2002.

  1. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    OK, where do i start......

    Sent a validation letter to Gulf State on 4/1/02. Today I received a response letter on "OSI Prtfolio Services" letterhead(interesting fact - they even listed the fax# 678-417-5075 at the top!) stating:

    "This letter is in response to your recently received correspondence.

    We have verified your account and forwarded your request to our dispute department for processing.

    We will handle your request as expeditiously as possible.

    Portfolio Support Department

    I'm not sure how to respond or if I should respond. I guess they atill have till May 1st to send validation info to me. I'm just confused by the "seemingly NICE" response letter acknowledging receipt of my letter!!

    What should my next steps be??
    Wait will end of the month? or
    Send another letter, if so what do I say?
  2. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Wait out the 30 days from the date they signed the green card. If you do not receive proper validation by then, send the estoppel letter.

    BTW, Gulf state is OSI, and they probably have a handful more of other names they use, I know one is Transworld Systems.
  3. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    THANKS! I will do that.

    Isn't this peculiar them sending a letter saying they received my letter. I guess I am just really taken back. Oh well!

    This is actually kind of exciting. I've sent out about 20 letters in the last month. This is the first response from a CA!!
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    You're welcome.

    It is somewhat "off the beaten track" that the CA responded with that type of letter.

    So far in my journey, I've only received a letter similar to yours once. The next correspondence I received was a letter from the OC sent to the CA sent to me that they were "closing the matter".

    Good luck with your journey. 20 letters is a heck of a start. :)
  5. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    i think i'm an addict! i watch this forum all day at work and all night after work. cleaning up my credit has become my #1 focus(in life) as of late. my wife and i want to purchase a home in about six or seven months. her credit is good, but i'm dragging anchor! :)

    good luck to you as well!
  6. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member


    That's the standard bullshit letter you get from OSI when you send a dispute to Gulfstate. I got 2 in Nov & Dec. of 2001 i just got letters from "Gulfstate" indicating they were deleting the tradeline from my bureaus. I sat around waiting which why it took long, so you best follow what Mindcrime2 has stated. You can do a search those to words Gulfstate and OSI and get a new Encylopedia of information. You best put on your army gear and get ready to fight, but you best weapon is this board..........
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    That is the standard letter they send when they have no proof of the acct. They are stalling while they try to get the OC to find and sent them the info. Send them the estoppel at the end of 30 days. Wait 15 days, and send a letter to the compliance mgr. or call and ask them when are they going to close the acct and delete the record since they can't validate it. It should be gone fairly soon.
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member I really feel dissed. They didn't respond to *any* of my letters until I faxed them a draft of the complaint I was going to file. Geezzzz...


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