Gulf State

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Micchelle, Mar 13, 2002.

  1. Micchelle

    Micchelle Member

    I recently did a credit investigation on my Experian report on a Gulf State acct. It went from Collection acct. $16 past due, to Paid/collection acct. after the investigation. My question is can the whole thing be removed from the credit report? How would I go about getting it removed?
  2. monij2000

    monij2000 Well-Known Member

    Send a nutcase letter to a search for "nutcase" down below...(use quotes)
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't send nutcase to Gulf State. They would toss it or ignore it (seems regular correspondence absent an actual threat of litigation never gets seen by the Compliance Department). They were the ones telling me I was "playing games" all the way up until I sent them a copy of the complaint I intended to file the next day and their tune change really fast!

    I would simply send a validation. As many of us here can attest to, Gulf State cannot provide validation.

    Just my opinion...

  4. Micchelle

    Micchelle Member

    After I made the post about Experian, they were the ones that updated it to paid collection. In the mail was Equifax's investigation report, they had deleted the Gulf State acct. These investigations were done around the same time. Seems to me that Gulf state couldn't verify the acct. and EQU. deleted it, but they could verify it to EX. as a paid acct.????

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