GulfState collection for 12 yr old

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sassyinaz, Apr 4, 2002.

  1. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    I received in the mail today a collection notice in the name of my 12 year old daughter!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought I was luckier than most having incorrect CR's but not having to deal with GulfState, so much for that.

    A validation letter will be in the mail tomorrow morning, what else should I do? My daughter is 12 years old and she doesn't have any debts nor have I or my husband ever incurred any for her, this is NUTS!

    Any insights from GulfState/OSI champs appreciated.

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Did they state the original creditor? I had this happen to my daughter as well, and all I did was call the original creditor and tell them they were dunning my 13 year old daughter. They immediately corrected the situation. There are privacy issues and a lot of laws dealing with minors and they usually don't want to get into that area of breaking the

  3. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Wow, that really could be fun!!!

    She's not even old enough to enter into contract. Don't tell them she's 12... see if they make up a contract :)

    You could end up with 1k for her college fund ;)
  4. razor635

    razor635 Well-Known Member

    Make that 2k. It is illegal to post a CR for anyone under 18. You could probobly add in ID fraud too.
  5. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for responding.

    No, there's no mention of an original creditor, not even a hint at what it could be for.

    hmmmmmm, in fact, there's no mini-miranda warning either and this is the first I've ever received anything from GulfState.

    I won't tell she's 12 ;-), what a great idea, thanks, I am anxious to see what they come up with for a validation attempt.

    Seems like I remember someone posting that GulfState wasn't licensed in Arizona, but OSI was, in another post, I'll have to check that out.

    I wonder if CA's have a list of people with credit problems and they just insert random bills every once in a while, betting your credit is so bad you can't keep track. Just kidding, I really don't know what this could be for so I'm stretching.

    I'll let you know how they respond.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    To save you the expense of going to court for FRAUDULENT collection charges..."PLEASE REMIT AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVIENCE THE AMOUNT OF $1,000.00 US DOLLARS TO MARY A. JONES AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS"

  7. Illini

    Illini Well-Known Member


    Did you guys forget to pay a medical bill or something for your daughter?
  8. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Word the validation letter like it was written by a 12 year old.

    "Um, I dunno what this bill is for. But someone told me and I read about, this FDA thing, says I can request vegetation. So, please send me proper vegetation that I owe this bill, or I will like, have my mom sue you for population of section 3 of the ten commandments of credit."

    -Peace, Dave
  9. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    LOL, George and Dave, I love it!!!!!!!!!

    Illini, I suppose that's possible but don't think so, if so it's 12 years old, we've always had great insurance (knocking on wood). Unless there was an extra lab bill or something that snuck in, lol, maybe I missed a bill for belly-button clamping ;-).
  10. ingenue

    ingenue Well-Known Member

    Could be a CD club like Columbia House or something. What is the amount?

  11. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    No, no cd or book clubs or the like.

    It's for $119.59, includes interest on the rise.

    LOL, they did send a printout saying they'd settle for 60% of the account balance, and wanting her to use any tax refunds or rebates to take advantage of their special offer.
  12. spiderman

    spiderman Well-Known Member

    Oh, please have fun with them! You spend so much time kicking and clawing to get a good CR, might as well have fun also!

    Just a couple of weeks ago, I got a letter from a CA for a med collection from back in Oct. for $57.

    It was paid with a check in Oct. to the hospital on time in response to the first bill received.

    The second bill the hospital sent, I called them explained their error and that the check already cleared.

    The third bill that came I called them and mailed and faxed a copy of the check to them.

    The fourth bill came, I called and they said they never got the cancelled check.

    The next bill was from the collection agency. I have a good friend that is a lawdog and as a favor, she wrote me a letter to the hospital and CA.

    They will be paying me this time!

    Isn't the first time I had problems with billings and this hospital. My second daughter's birth was a complete nightmare, billing wise.

    First they send us a bill for $3K (our part, sans insurance). This included $25 for the "hair saloon" for the baby! I asked them about this and they said it was for the red bow they placed in her hair! OMG! Take that off.

    I called our insurance company and asked them if that was right, they said nope, should be $500. I told the hospital, nope, insurance company said I owe $500. They said send it. I said no, send me a correct bill.

    Nothing for 3 months. I called them. "We are showing this account has a balance of $0". "Oh! My wife must have paid it! Thanks!" Click.

    Finally another 3 months goes by and they send me the correct $500 bill!

    Have fun with them!
  13. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    You know there are some pretty strong laws protecting children from molestation and improper communication---- I wonder-- perhaps you can get them put in jail for child endangerment,
  14. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    So if your daughter doesn't pay will they garnish her allowance?

    My funniest call (Although I didn't think it was funny at the time) was when a lady was screaming at me because her dog was receiving offers for a FUSA card.

    Agree with George - college fund!

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