Anything would be good. I kinda looked dumb in mediation. I fully expected and brought case law to back my claims up. I never expected her to flat out lie about my deleted tradelines and the inquiries so I did not bring that sorta proof to the mediation. The next date is the actual court date.
Re: She's busted!!!! I've got it all. You actually want Doc. His "trick" with the old links are here:"second+inquiry"#post169585 Gib
Re: She's busted!!!! I've got it all. Doc's links were what he had bookmarked before Experian removed them from the site. they were still active at that time, just no longer visible on the website. Gib
That was Doc's trick, where he'd saved the links. Sassy EDIT: I see the correction has been well-covered, LOL, I have to remember to refresh before posting. Picantel, I've a screen-shot showing inquiries in dispute from Experian. I emailed it to myself, I can easily forward to you. I'm looking now to see if I saved as a pdf as well.
Ya know, Lizardking, I am thinking with this case, and yours too, it would too HUGE for the CRA's to actually let one of these cases get to court. Think of the class actions. Put their lack of investigation with the recent stolen reports that got some media attention FINALLY, and they've got to be worried. In Pic's case here, I just don't get it, why would she so boldly lie? We've got to be getting close to something. I thought perhaps, if she denies they ever investigated, then they could backtrack to that misinterpreted and out of context letter saying that inquiries are a matter of fact. The bigger truth is, they are sloppy, all the CRA's about who they give our reports to. That's how they make money. If they have to start being responsible for releasing them, not just a blanket certification from a company that they now operate under, so they can point to the one who requested the report, instead of them as the provider, the big bucks will fly indeed. Sassy
Yep the mediation went nowhere but I expected it to. I sued for 3k but I said before she even flew there I would settle for deletion. I even offered it at mediation but she refused. We all know why she refused because if she had I would have told all of you and they would have been blasted with a ton of lawsuits. This has nothing to do about me and she knew it and I knew it. The mediator had no clue. I have no clue why she would lie. I never expected this. When I first mentioned their lack of reinsertion I expected an argument like I got last time. Last time they mentioned it was not reinserted by them- it was done by the CA. I even have a past thread debating this. She then flips out these papers and says I disputed 3 times and it had never been deleted at all. I then had disputed some dates on my student loans and she stated usa funds verified and that was good enough for them. She then said the loan papers had nothing to do with usa funds and were not applicable. Never mind they were signed loan applications with USA Funds written across the top. Then came the inquiries. She said they do not do inquiries at all and they are a statement and they only happen when you sign an application for credit. I said they never pull by accident and she said no. I pointed out I have a letter from one of the OCs saying it was error but that was not good enough for her. I asked her why they used to do it online and she said they had never done it online ever and she had worked their 8 years. This I could not believe. She flat out lied .
Ooooooooh that makes my blood boil. I can see why they fight, but lying? Just incredible. And to say they never pull by accident. Some one with a common name, similarities in the address, transposed SSN, or not have SSN? Of course it can pull the wrong one by accident. They do not use enough qualifiers for matching.
Picantel, On Sept. 16, EX deleted 5 inquiries from my CR. I got four of them removed using Doc's Trick. One of the five was generated in error by my credit union and was deleted when I sent them a letter from the credit union stating that it was pulled in error. This is all doccumented, so if you need a copy all you need to do is ask. Good luck!
Should have asked her if these were still listed on the more than 13,000 consumer reports as a "statement of fact". Gib
Thanks miami but what I need is actual disputes and proof they took it online without any tricks. I do not want them coming back and saying people hacked them to get the inquiry under investigation. IT must be totally legal and nothing they can slam.
if you get docs from other people... you're also going to want notarized affidavits of what happened from these people too. Now do you guys understand why tape recording conversations really helps (and if not admissible, then very detailed notes from the converstations... transcripts so to speak)
Marie is right on, as usual. ALWAYS record those convo's. Well ... that does it for me too. I'm assuming mediation was required for Pic. Hindsight being 20-20, it would have been a good idea to take your own transcriptionist. It would require about $200, but would have been well worth it. You may be able to get it re-imbursed should you prevail. Lying like filthy dogs in mediation SHOULD be considered the same as lying in court. 2nd, where are all the Moralist's, who believe telling a lie, in your credit repair journey, should cast you perminently into the eternal lake of fire? lol
I don't want to put in my .02 if it doesn't lead to a good outcome. There is a way to prove they are lying. Not sure if this would be effective, but have you thought about finding an archived version of their website? Several search engines have a dedicated section where you can see what a website looked like so many months in the past. Now if you could find an archived version of their site and could prove the existence of what you need, would it be acceptable in court? It is absolutely disgusting that this company is lying under oath to save their asses. The members of CreditNet need to help in any way nail them! Perjury is a very serious offense and I would think they could be hit with penalties if their lies are proven. Research and you will find what you need. I wish you good luck!!
Picantel, The dispute of the credit union inquiry was mailed to them. No tricks, it was legit and they deleted it upon receipt of the credit union's letter. I'd be happy to make that available to you if it will help. I'm going through my own battle with EX right now and if I can do anything to prevent someone else from getting screwed I will.
Sure thing I can use any help. this case should be changed to creditnet vs experian. If I get enough help from all of you we can change how they do business. IF I win any money I will donate it to the make a wish foundation so someone can benefit from this lying companies abuse. my email is Now where is george and where might I find an archived snapshot of experians old disputes online. I came prepare to argue we can dispute any information and instead I had to argue that they disputed in the first place. IT was ludicrous. Carla if you are out there you had best be warned. You perjured yourself and if you do it in court I am gonna go for criminal charged also.
Scuse me but the Mediator recommended that they countersue? Holy Crap!!! Isn't that some kind of Judicial Malfeasence or something?