Roni......CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!! You know who your friends are & if other people choose to play on his/her inadequacies,that is their elective. But the sarcastic comment that was made to Roni was uncalled for(recalling Anthony Villasenor & BBauer's discussions that ensued over the "product"). Creditwrench resells "life experience"...nothing more;there is no publication that could tell you how to get out of the way of a speeding automobile(before & hereafter called "common sense"). Sister Girl "Being Real in 2001"
and you said you werent trying to make enemies. Oh yeah! ban roni time. ARE YOU THAT JEALOUS! AMEX WILL COME!
Marie Yes, I still have current credit issues, but just one. And that one would be gone too if it were legally possible for me to take it off. I cannot do that until April 2002. It's not due to fall off until October 2003. It will come off by court order as soon as it's heard in court. That may take a couple of months after the 1st of April when I file suit on the bank due to availabilty of court dates on the docket at the time I file. The suit will be for well over $50,000. There will also be other suits that I intend to file as a result and I'm also going to try to get the attorney's bar number revoked so he no longer is able to practice law for the way he abused my rights and violated the law. Then I will have a perfect record. But let's take a look at what I have accomplished during the last year. Here is basically what I have accomplished. 1 the bank I am talking about above. Judgment $32,704.00 Going to court pretty soon Pro Se 2.State Tax lien on the above property $.....188.00 Gone Defeated in cross motions 3. NCO Financial Systems $...2496.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 4. NCO Financial Systems $.....393.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 5. Orchard Bank $...1408.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 6. Funbrecovery $...3365.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 7. The Money Store Repo $...2298.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 8. Credit Collections Inc. $....111.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 9. United Cr NB $....523.00 Gond Deleted by creditor/CA 10. Bank above $33,200.00 Gone by accident 11. CapOne $.....322.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 12. Sec Natl B&T $.......92.00 Gone Deleted by creditor/CA 13. Boatman's Bank $.....475.00 Gone. Deleted by CRA 14. Silver Collections $....1898.00 Gone Deleted creditor/CA 15. Hospital bills from a car wreck $....4800.00 Gone Deleted by CRA 16. NCO X.Com $......298.00 Gone Deleted by NCO And that's just one CREDIT BUREAU. All of them were quite happy to delete upon my suggestion and the nice part of it is I don't have to worry about them coming back and filing judgment on me because I have it in writing from them that they wouldn't dream of doing anything so dumb as that. -------------------------------------------------------------- Now let's look at just a few of the ones I helped get rid of IRS lien 2.5 million Gone. vacated by IRS for lack of certificate of assessment & lien illegal credit card debt $14,000 Gone, judgment defeated in court. credit card debt $61,000 Gone Judgment defeated in court credit card debt $1100.00 Gone judgment defeated in court community grocery store debts to wholesalers $110,500 judgment defeated in court and grocery store saved and doing well today. If I even knew how much money I have saved people over the last year, I'd be taking up more space than this post could stand. I don't even bother to keep track of it all. Tell me something. Who do you think can beat that record? Yes, I do have one remaining credit issue. Would you care to bet on who wins when I sue the pants off of the bank next spring? Would you care to place bets on whether or not I can extract the bar # of that attorney of theirs? Is this a self serving message? You bet it is. But then it seems to me that you asked for it. Yep, pretty amazing just like you said.
But Bill, you've said numerous times you've never taken a creditor or collection agency to court.... Which is true? Those statements or this latest posting? Both can not be! Also, WHY would anyone wait until April to file a lawsuit. That makes zero sense!
Re: Did I add this up correctly $271,171 in accounts that either went to collection or had judgments vacated? (I left out the 2.5 million IRS lien) I understand that everyone has unique circumstances and I am really trying not to judge, but my stomach did a huge flip-flop when I thought about that amount of loss being passed on the consumer.
Re: Did I add this up correctly This stuff is nothing but semantics. Why does anyone even defend themselves on this board? I realized a while back that you cant win, because someone will twist, turn, or distort anything that is posted. That being said, it would be impossible truly defend yourself. The real purpose here is to educate. I have been guilty of arguing and debating to the point of ridiculous on this board also. I am not saying that I am any better, I am just coming to the realization of what really matters. Everything else is just pure B.S. Lets just move on folks.....this is the very reason why Saar is leaving...
Re: Did I add this up correctly curiosier And that isn't even the start of it. What do you think the total would be if I went through all 1600 ++ of my current customers? But then, what do you think the total would be for all the people who have taken bad debts off because of advice, free or otherwise they found on this board. It would make me look like a piker. How much more do you imagine is taken out by the bankruptcy courts? I'll never reach the totals that bankruptcy courts take out in even one day across the U.S. I'd be willing to bet that the total debt wiped out by bankruptcy courts alone across the US in a month would more than equal the entire national debt of the United States of America. What did Montgomery Wards take out when they went bankrupt? Only $271,000?? Let's be realistic. Anyway, when I do it, I don't add to your figures because the collection agencies have to pay the debt to the creditor in most cases, so the creditor loses nothing. And how much is NCO for instance going to miss the measly amount of money I've cost them? They are the #1 biggest collection agency in the U.S. and are listed on the New York Stock Exchange. I'm not going to make even a tiny blip on their bottom line. Gad, their stockholders won't even lose a penny apiece over it. Yet you want to barf over me???? Come on, Guy, let's at least be fair. And why is it that I can't file suit until after April 1st? I can, but look at that 2nd judgment they got. The one for $33,200. The SOL was out on the 1st one the 1st of August this year and I was all ready to go file on them. Then while preparing the paper work I found the 2nd one which I didn't know existed. It was filed separately under a different case 8 months after the first one which was the replevin on the real estate. If I did go win the case they would simply come take it all back by enforcing garnishment on the 2nd one. It would wipe out anything I won on the first one. Obviously, the 2nd one will pass SOL 8 months after the 1st one so by waiting until after April 1 I get the both of them out ot the way. Then what I win in court can have no encumberances later. Going in prior to the expiration of the SOL on both in this particular type of situation would be committing financial suicide. If you hope to prevail, you have to think of all the angles and cover all the bases. Miss one and they will come back and kill you. Anyway, would it be too much to ask to just look at things a little more realistically?
Re: Did I add this up correctly You know its a shame. Instead of helping each other with credit issues people are here arguing over who's credit repair system works best. Who gives a sh*t?! I think everyone needs to stick to the reason that brings us all here and stop these petty assaults. Bill, if you think it took Roni too long to repair her credit, e-mail her privately and tell her. Your comment was uncalled for. Roni, congrats on your card and enjoy it in good health. I see things haven't changed much since I've been gone.
Re: Did I add this up correctly 1600 times $35 per month = $56,000 $56K times 12 months = $672,000 Now I can see why you gave up the cigarettes Bill. You said you were only making $200K selling those.
Re: Did I add this up correctly I didn't give up the cigarettes And taking in that kind of money does not mean I make that kind of money. Most business ventures do quite well to end up with maybe 15 to 30 percent of income as profit. Some business ventures survive quite well on 10% after taxes profit. And one does not escape anywhere near all taxes no matter what one does on a personal level and on a business level it is a totally different ballgame. On a personal level it is simply a case of if there is no lawful assessment there is no tax due or owed because it is the assessment that creates the tax liability. If you assess yourself then that is the tax that is owed if the self assessment is properly done and is not challenged by IRS. If one refuses to assess himself then IRS must produce a lawful assessment of taxation. Additionally, IRS falls under FDCPA just like any other 3rd party bill collector and are subject to the same rules as any other bill collector. IRS itself has admitted that under FOIA demands for information. Businesses do not enjoy the same protections in IRS as private citizens do. So when you "manufacture" by simple multiplication such figures in the way that you did you don't come up with a true answer by any means. It is also in error because I don't do "street" traffic for the same amount of money that I do for those who come who come to me via the internet. It is much higher than that. This is partly because those who have no computer require a lot more work to get the job done meaning much higher wages and other costs that must be paid. There is also the cost of advertising involved. It's a whole different ballgame. In business, if you take in a dollar and can go home with a quarter after taxes you are pretty lucky indeed.
Re: Did I add this up correctly Miamiblues I did not say it took her too long to repair her credit, or at least it was not my intention to put it that way even if I did sound that way. It was meant as a quetion not a comment. roni's anger was a result of something much deeper than just that one little comment or question or whatever one wishes to call it. Her "explosion" was not the product of simple displeasure over this latest incident as it may have seemed to most. Her displeasure with me goes back a long ways but she has been nice enough to refrain from making a public issue out of it. Roni is a very nice lady and she has worked very hard to become what she is. She has every right to be proud of her accomplishments in life. This problem is a product of much deeper resentments she feels and of which some posters may not be aware of and so assume that this is an isolated incident which it is not. I was totally unaware of these resentments she feels until last night as well or I would not have made any post to her at all lest I upset her even more. Now that I have been made aware of her long standing displeasure with me I will take the greatest possible precautions not to upset her again. I have apologized in a couple of other posts and I take this opportunity to do so again.
Re: Did I add this up correctly Roni, I am soooooo happy for you on your new Amex card. I knew your big day would come soon. Congrats again. You have come along way babe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Did I add this up correctly Congrats Roni !!!!, I have been reading this board since 9/2001 and you have been a true inspiration for me. Thanks for all the Posting of advice.
Re: Did I add this up correctly And do some people wonder where Chele has been for a while and why.......hmmmmmmmmm.........For those that have, I am sure that you now know why.
Re: Did I add this up correctly But Bill, save the $10 or so maintence for your website (you told us earlier you can get the best ISP rates), you have zero overhead. You work from home, you have no employees and as you posted, you don't pay your taxes. So... $672,000 - ($10 times 12 months) = $671,880. Sorry for the error. I stand corrected.
Bill Bauer and And thanks guys! Hey River, it is great to see you post and thanks for the congrats. Isnt this amazing (about amex)? Thanks Miamiblues. I have missed seeing you in chat. Hope all is well. Thanks for the congrats also. Thanks to everyone else. We will all be AMEx carriers soon. Love you Dogman. where are ya! Bill Bauer, You are absolutely wrong. My words were directed to your statement. It had nothing to do with the past. The past didnt help it any. Bill is talking about a racial joke he posted out of nowhere one night online that almost made me cry I was so upset. He thought is was funny. I was insulted and embarrassed. I grew up in racism (rural NC). I was the only black in my science dept in college and one of 4 blacks in my graduating class in dental school (not to mention there were no black faculty at all). Needless to say I dont find racial jokes funny even if it is online....and is this the place for a racial joke? But I left that in the past and I usually dont read ANY of your threads so that I dont set myself up for these things. I usually find you arguing with someone when I am reading someone else's threads so I see you are still up to your old cooky ways. Bill you brag about your accomplishments in credit repair and you assumed that it took me two years to clean up my credit. The point is you never read my postings or you would have known that it did NOT take me 2 years. If you took the time to read others posting and learn from others( which is what we are all here for) you wouldnt have made such a silly and erroneous comment. I got really pissed when you I told you it didnt take 2 years and you posted the same statement again which led me to believe that you were just mocking me. There are real credit wizards on this board which have all left or are leaving because of the nonsense that comes across this board daily. If you have found a way to capitalize on credit repair and this board......more power to you. But you are no smarter or credit knowledgeable to many here so tone down the pompous attitude.....PLEZE! I never wanted you to literally choke on a turkey bone. That is Roni expressing herself.....w/ more of a "kiss my grits" type of comment. But the main point is lets just move on people. I got my flame on and I knew pbm would delete it quickly.....and very few would be subjected to the nonsense of my post. I apologize for littering the board with this matter. And Bill the only reason why you had more items deleted than me is because you were truly a deadbeat and my credit was easier to fix and according to my calculations I did you quicker than you. But that is not the point now is it.