Happy Dance! 17-deletions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by motru, Jan 30, 2003.

  1. motru

    motru Member

    I recently got the results from my online investigations that were started at the end of Dec.

    TU 11 out of 12 (including a judgement)

    EQ 2 out of 11 (the rest came back verified, validation letters have already been sent CRRR - so far-one response and that is supposed to be deleted since they couldn't prove it was mine...woohoo)

    EXP 4 out of 5 (the judgment that TU deleted came back "updated" for EQ & EXP) CRRR was sent and later came back "unclaimed" -need another approach since they aren't responding. (help anyone)

    2nd round of investigations are in place. The only two major derogs left come from ex who has the house and a vehicle that are still in both names which he is always late on. Don't know what to do about that,however, thanks to all of my pals at Creditnet for all of your help. I started as a Newbie in November and look at my success! With a little patience and determination (let's not forget lots of research), you can accomplish all of your credit goals. Keep up the good work guys.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

  3. oopsydaisy

    oopsydaisy Active Member

    Wow. that is impressive. I started about the same time and while haven't had quite the same results I am slowly seeing improvements.

  4. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

    may i email you?

    thanks Lucas
  5. motru

    motru Member

    Thanks for the responses. Hello Lucas, feel free to email me at tbg007@aol.com
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Huge Congrats Motru.

    I think that's a new record.

  7. motru

    motru Member


    I am so glad that you responded...remember the "guerilla settlement tactic" that you advised me on...well it worked. Thank's a million!!!
  8. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

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