Yeah for me!! I applied for my second Bank of America card. I wanted a Platinum card, so I called to find out if they would consider upgrading the account since my last derogatory item fell of TU. I was told that I should reapply. After waiting 5 days for a response, I logged onto the sight to check my status..... Approved for $4400!! Not Platinum, but since I just received a Gold card in early September, I can combine the two cards for $7400. I am SOOOOO happy!!!!! MarkLA, I couldn't hold out for the Amex Blue, but this should tie me over. I will not apply for anything else....... I promise!
Congrats Azur! i'm glad you got it - Bank of america is a good company (in my experience). regarding applying - good that your're taking a break. I've learnt my lesson - after the big application hoopla over the past few months - plus car leasing inquiries and business loan inquires - my scores have dropped - not drastically - but enough to hold me back. Enjoy the new combined card! Mark LA
Thank you. That is all I wanted for Xmas(besides Amex Blue). A Platinum card WITH a reasonable limit. (That comment is for Citibank giving me a Platinum Select card to compensate for not giving me a line increase on my $600 card for almost 9 years.) Sure I had to cheat the system to get it,(combining accounts) but I got it!!! Now for the veterans, should I wait before combining, or immediately combine for my scores to possibly increase?