Happy Easter

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by billbauer, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. billbauer

    billbauer Well-Known Member

  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Mmmm...I don't think there's a greater food combination on the face of the planet than spam and eggs. My mouth is watering.

    Happy Easter to everyone...enjoy the weekend!
  3. ShannonE

    ShannonE Member

    But I don't like Spam! Can I get the Spam, eggs, cheese, sausauge, Spam, bacon and Spam, without the Spam?
  4. billbauer

    billbauer Well-Known Member

    You would have to ask the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately, he was last seen hopping down the road, looking back and waving about every 50 yards or so.

    It seems that some dumb blonde ran over him with her car yesterday. Of course that didn't worry her too much because she simply got out of her car, pulled the now lifeless bunny out from under her car, and sprayed him down with a huge can of hair spray which she had just purchased at the last truck stop.

    The label told her that it would revive dead hair and cause a new permanent wave.

    Seems like it worked but where the poor bunny is now is anybody's guess so all you have to do is find him and see what he has to offer without spam.

    Or maybe the blonde has an answer for that too.
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member


    Happy belated Easter to everyone. I was away for the weekend so I didn't even check in.

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