to all creditnetters a toast to one and all, party hardy, have lots of fun, but most of all be Safe!!! Tuit
LOL Basement full of teenagers who just made themselves espresso here! Baby asleep on lap, most little ones asleep.Going to bed when baby does!!!!
Happy New Year! Happy New Credit New Year to all! May this year be better than last and may all our FICO scores rise : ) Cheers!
Happy New Years everyone! Just got my MBNA Quantum card today as a New Years gift! ****** Have a great year ******
I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well for all of us in 2002 because you know what, we are all in this credit game together! And for the post about the teenagers in the basement, keep a good eye on them, sometimes they like to do naughty things! =-)
Happy new year everyone! Even though Matty isn't 21, he is still raising his 3rd champagne glass right now! Hope everyone achieves their credit goals this year, I know this board will help us all!!! Thanks for your advice everyone!
A prosperous & healthy New Year to all. May all 'OUR' credit goals and dreams come true this year. Please don't drink & drive and don't let anyone you know (or don't know for that matter) drink & drive.
Happy New Year!!!! A big Thank You for the great advice in 2001. Looking forward to all hurdles to be conquered in 2002