Happy Weekend! Does anyone know which big 3 Household Bank Uses?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Reatha, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Hello Everyone.

    Been under the weather. Got lots of catching up to do....reading and posting wise. Just wanted to shoot a few questions to you all and I will check back later on to replies and see if I can't post some helpful replies myself to other questions.

    Question: Does anyone have a MasterCard through Household Bank, NV? Does anyone know which CRA they use??

    One More Question:
    If you have a CC acct. that is over the limit, is it better for the CRA to report the high balance as what the current balance is, or the true highest balance which was significantly higher than the balance is now?

    As always, thank you ALL a million!
  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    Happy weekend 2 u 2!

    I had Household awhile back, and they pulled Experian for me. They might pull other reports for people in other states.

    Eich, you don't want any high balances to report...hehe. You want to get that sucker down as fast as possible :) cause remember, a balance is still owed money. I know what ya mean though, and if ya gotta have a balance, it's better if it's the lowest amount.

    I hate when cards report high balances instead of limits...ugh. Cards like that need to be paid off, and put in da sock drawer!
  3. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Just want to say thank you...for all your info and replies.

    I agree about the sock drawer for this card. It will be there very shortly.
  4. barnfire24

    barnfire24 Member

  5. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Thanks again, to both of you. I will find out soon enough. THERE BETTER NOT BE A HARD INQUIRY!!! I might go postal if there is. They swore not, but you all know how that goes!

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