What is the difference? I am sure this is a stupid question. Does hard mean creditors see it, soft mean they don't?
Yes, that is part of it...Hard inquiries you request...and Soft inquiries are done without your request but MUST be for a permissible purpose. Hard inqs are seen by others and affect scoring Soft inqs are not seen by anyone but you, however, they may affect scoring (as shown on the TU report). TU puts inquiries into 3 separate categories: (1) ones marked "not seen by anyone but you, and do not affect your score". (soft) (2) ones marked "not seen by anyone but you". (soft) (3) ones marked "seen by creditors and may affect your score". (hard) Which makes me believe that some soft inqs may affect your score. (#2) In general they affect scores most for the first 6 months and their negative effects trail off until they drop off after the 2 year mark. -Peace, Dave