Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rackt3, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    I applied with citi a while ago while some items were in dispute, they denied the app, saying to call them back once the items were off there.

    I called them back now that the report is clean and told them I don't want any more inquiries, and they told me to fax a copy of my report to them,and promised there will be no inquiry.

    Well, checked my report today, and I have a HARD from them, and now my score's dipped 7 points! I now have 6 hards on my report! To say the least, I'm not very happy about this.

    I know it'll be hard to say they didn't have a permissible purpose, because they did, but they promised not to pull my report since they've pulled once before. I did not authorize them to pull a second time. Any legal experts here... or anyone with experience with something like this?
  2. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    After reading some posts here and my own experience about Citi pulling hard when they promised they would not, I learned not to EVER trust them (just about the inq, as I do not have enough relationship with them to say - at all). I just wanted a reconsideration of CL while activating the card. They promised they would not but they did anyway.

    I do not think there is anything illigal here but not nice for SURE ;)
  3. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    Well, I'm going to call them today, and was wondering if I should also rip them a new one while on the phone with them. I'm pissed because I fax all 9 pages of my credit report to them and writing my reference number on each one.. thinking that's all the will use to evaluate me. So what was the point of my going through the trouble?

    Well, I'm gonna make sure they give me a pretty darn good CL and rate to compensate for this.

    I was hoping though, that there was a way to get them to remove that inq.
  4. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    Maybe someone knows the legal approach to this but seems to me that by being nice and explaining the whole situation to the supervisor should maybe get them to remove it? They will probably say - "well, we can not guarantee that your report can not be pulled, blah, blah" as they did to me. Actually they aplogized and gave me an additional 3000 bonus miles :)

    BTW, when do they charge an annual fee (I'm thinking they may have waived it).
  5. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    Citibank is the best bank in the world. PERIOD. There is no better.

    I am certain if you are nice to them, they will be nice back.

    I live in Georgia, there are no citibank branches here, yet I still do almost all of my banking with them from my NYC life.

    There is nothing they wouldnt do for me, and I in return.
  6. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    Ok I just spoke to them, and the rep. on the phone apologized saying she didn't see any reason as to why it was pulled today. She said equifax has some inquiry removal forms that I can get from equifax. Once I get it, I can fax it to them to get the inquiry removed.

    I'm just pretty ticked off right now. First I applied for a really restrictive and expensive AMEX card that I later realized would be a really bad idea for me to have, and now I get 2 inquiries for an illumina card with a wimpy CL.

    She did say I can talk to customer service once I got the card to get an increase, but of course,they might try to pull another hard. Oh yeah.. GMcard also pulled two hards. *ugh* BLAH to all of em!

    Thank goodness for bumpage *sigh* (Hopefully I'll get that in the next month)
  7. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Re: Hard from CITI.. now -7 points!

    Ok thanks for making me feel at least a little bit better :) The rep did say there's no real difference between the illumina and the platinum card

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