1* This is the intent of fico or at least the end result. 2*Nothing like burning the candle at both ends, this way both partied get singed.
You think the credit checks on car insurance are bad? Wait until your homeowner's insurance refuses to renew you because they have done an inquiry on your credit!!! Check your State's laws on informed consent for insurance inquiries and giving the reason for non-renewal. In some States, some smaller underfunded insurance companies are using this as an excuse to get out of the market areas they don't like.
1*Over charging the many to subsidize a few is not a discount or lower price, it's bilking pure and simple. 2*This is not an explanation it's an excuse used to cover up their rip-off.LB-59
I disputed my "HARD" FARMERS on TRANS UNION second time...came back with the same "PERMISSABLE PURPOSE" letter...
Applied online w/21st Century Auto Insurance....on...7.15.2002 best rate i have found..... Checked Credit Expert....., they pullled a HARD INQ........during application asked if i wanted to pay in FULL...then NO INQ would be made.....if i wanted to pay in payments...INQ would be made....wanted to pay in payments.... score dropped 10 points for this INQ!!! equifax 752 experian 725...was 735 transunion 677 Tony V San Diego, Ca
I agree with GEORGE. There is no reason for a company that is not extending you some sort of credit to pull a Hard....PERIOD!
is it illegal in utah because like 3 insurance people pulled it on me and i dont remember shopping for insurance. they gave me a quote when i bought my camry but thats all
This is the very reason I just signed up. When I received my homeowners renewal from Allstate last year they stated my premium was going up because of my credit report. I have never had a claim and did not and STILL do not understand what one has to do with the other. It seems to me if you are working on a tight budget the last thing you want is your premiums to increase because of a claim. Do they think if you are rich you are honest and if your not rich you're not honest? So when my payment is due I wait to pay until the second notice is sent. I know this is petty but it makes me feel a little better knowing the are spending extra money to get mine. I will only have this policy a couple more months. We have already moved and have new insurance with another Co. Thanks for letting me vent Day 1 in restoring good credit
Where does it say in your policy that they can raise your Prem. due to your credit report? It's a fleece plain and simple.
GEICO will do it without a Hard Inq Amica pulled a HI even though I told them I did not want to get a quote if they had to pull a CR. I disputed by letter directly to them and they removed the inquiry, BTW. I was successful in getting new insurance policy with Geico without them pulling a hard inquiry. << they did check the MV data base and the other one that reports your accidents, but no hard inquiry on a CR.>> YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM UPFRONT !!!! BTW, I changed from Farmers, where I had been a customer for 14 years.
Re: GEICO will do it without a Hard Inq I WONDER IF COULD I SEND FARMERS A NOTICE OF PENDING CANCELLATION DUE TO INQUIRES BEING PULLED ON TRANS UNION TO "SEE" HOW I DRIVE... ****The "GEORGE FACTOR" they will send me a refund of my premiums and send me on my way!!!****
Re: GEICO will do it without a Hard Inq POOR SCORES cause other-wise PERFECT DRIVERS to have TICKETS, ACCIDENTS, AND CLAIMS!!! GEORGE =========================== New ACCIDENT ticketing policy. The driver with the lowest credit score gets the ticket. New schedule for traffic fines. Amount of fine depends on credit score.- At last score based fines.!
Re: GEICO will do it without a Hard Inq The REAL QUESTION IS - has ANYONE gotten DENIED JUST BECAUSE OF A CREDIT REPORT? -------------------------------------------------------- I have GEICO - have had them for 8 yrs - never a claim - highest limits - and I feel excellent rates, particularly driving a 2002 A4 in San Francisco. I COULD find a cheapr price, but I am not worrying about anything happening to the Beast. I know that IF I ever have a claim, it will be paid quickly and honestly. aarrffff - dogman
Re: GEICO will do it without a Hard Inq Right, and if you do ever cause an accident, you will not get sued because of this. When insurance companies stall around, and balk at playing claims they are jeopardizing you and your credit by putting you in the position of possibly getting sued.
You won't win this one. I also have Progressive and if you took the time to read all those papers you signed or listened to the VRU message before you got your quote you would have noticed you gave them permission to run a credit check for the quote and at every renewal if they so choose. Good luck, but it pays to read before you sign if you don't agree.