I read this on another credit board. Has anyone else gone to these people for help? "When I went through my credit repair the first time, I was as green as Kermit the Frog. But now I'm back and I wanted to give some of my secrets away. When the CA (or whoever else) won't validate and continues to "verify", do this: write an email to the Better Business Bureau and their state Attorney General. Within 30 days (usually a lot less)they will contact them. I ended up getting a lot of deletions this way. They do NOT want the Attorney General and BBB after them. Alot of these CA's are not operating legally and it's very scary to have these organizations in their business. The BBB and AG have the power to do a LOT to them. I see the same names over and over here and on other boards. With as many people that have problems, they will get shut down and dealt with. After a month or 2 of the whole verified and investigated sh!t(keep all your paperwork, but they won't even need it), just get on BBB.org, find the page to their AG and get to writing emails. There's no reason to go over it for months and months. I just wish I had thought of it earlier... It works, trust me. Feel free to email me if you like." Sounds good to me!
I tried to email you via clicking on your name, but it says: Sorry! The user has specified that they do not wish to receive emails from other members. This is pure luck I read this. I sent a validation letter to a CA, CMRRR on 8/03 - received the green card with a signature and date of 8/10/04. When I didn't hear back I went to my EQ CR and disputed on 9/7. Well, I just checked my dispute and it says "Remains". Is it at this point you suggest I contact the BBB?? Thanks! Lynn
I changed my preferences. I tried to email you as well, but yours says the same thing. Try sending an email to the CA's state AG. That should light a fire under their behind. It's recently come to light that the BBB can't really do much along legal lines, but that the AG can.
I went to the BBB. I found the CA and the complaints it had against them. So, I took it upon myself to send out a 2nd validation letter to the CA. I revised the letter that is found on this site. I found the name of the Director of Operations and mailed it directly to him (CMRRR) I also called the CRA and talked to a rep. She said at this point the only thing that verified the debt was my SSN that the CA has. She also told me that it was now between me and the CA. well..no shyt sherlock... I also did a little searching on the FTC site under the FDCPA and learned that the CA must tell you how to dispute the alledged item - the letter I received only demanded payment, and didn't tell me to write to them within 30 days if I disagree. Funny thing is I disputed this same debt with TU and EQ and they removed it! BTW - In my orginial post I referred to EQ, I meant EX - I was a little hot at the time I posted! And now, I'm going to change my preferences...Thanks for your input!!
Actually, the BBB is good because they will respond to the complaint and ask for answers from the business. I think that they don't want anyone sniffing around whether they can legally do something or not. The BBB is a well respected organization. If they find reason to believe that the company in question isn't doing right, they can go to the AG and/or FTC and start their motors running. And they REALLY don't want that.
Hey thanks for the post. I just got an answer from TU on a request to re-investigate. They sent back a denial as frivolous. Ive never received validation from the CA, and I know I wont because they cant validate something that isnt mine. So Im going to try what you have done...Thanks for the insight...
When I was at BBBonline and started to fill out the complaint - it asked for a name of the person at the business I contacted about the complaint, but I didn't have one..I sent the first Validation letter to "sir/madam" So - now I have a name. I'm going to wait until I get my green card back then make the complaint. Thanks again for posting your experience..this is great help for those of us who don't get a response from the CA
Check to see if the CA is a member of ACA International at www.collector.com Then file a complaint with them. They will email you a complaint for with the rules of a member to be in good standing. I've heard that this works and that they do police their own.