Has anyone ever had any luck with HSBC removal?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by credit1, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Has anyone ever been able to get a C/O that was sold or transferred to a CA off the report? OC is HSBC. I have disputed a several times and they verify, then send me a letter telling me they have received this same dispute many times. Are they just stuck forever? I sure hope not.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Dispute the status field insofar as it should mention the fact that the account was paid. Moreover, try and dispute the dates inasmuch as they keep poor records in large part.

    With that said however, it generally requires litigation to get them off ones reports.
  3. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. In the last letter I asked them since it is sold and or transferred and you have it marked paid, could you please remove it. They answer that we have received your dispute many times, nothing has changed.
    Litagation, may be an option, but on what grounds please? I would do about anything to get them off my report, it's only 300.00 and is killing my scores.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You would institute a civil action against them under 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2b or simple state law torts. You would need to dispute the status field through the credit reporting agencies specifically and through in something regarding the dates of status/initial delinquency for good measure. When they verify as merely "charge-off" therein lies your premise insofar as that should read "paid" or "paid/was charged-off". You will need some form of damage thus, your only option is to be declined credit; i.e., you must apply and be declined for some credit product.

    All in all, HSBC's general litigation posture is to settle pre-discovery. You're looking at roughly 3k and deletion. Of course, this may change somewhat if they retain local counsel which is incompetant or fails to heed their internal policies.
  5. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. They have it Balance 0 - Paid/Chargeoff -- sold/transferred

    Have plenty of declines to use. 3k?

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