BB&T BANKCARD Account Number: XXXX Acct Type: Revolving or Option Acct Status: Closed Monthly Payment: $0 Date Open: Feb, 1999 Balance: $0 Terms: Revolving High Balance: $99 Limit: $1,000 Past Due: $0 Remarks: Credit line closed-grantor request-reported by subscriber Payment Status: Credit line closed / not paying as agreed This account was paid in full, I disputed with Experian because it was listed as paid as agreed but had some lates. This is how it came back, what now?
By the way the bad part and what I am curious about is the "Not Paying as agreed" portion of the listing. I have never seen a tradeline listed like that.
I would send a formal dispute in writing to the DF saying that they are reporting inaccurate information. This account was CLOSED, AT CONSUMERS REQUEST, *AND* PAID AS AGREED. You are demanding an immediate investigation under both the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and the Fair Credit Billing Act. With EX you probably won't get a second chance to dispute it directly with EX, unless you can build a strong case. How old is the account? How long has it been paid? If the account is beyond the Document Retention Period of five years, there is a chance that the will not be able to verify the information. That would give you a Johnson v. MBNA angle to play with, since if the documentation was beyond the DRP, then they could not have conclusively verified the information which they are reporting currently.