Have I lost my mind? WOW.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cnswift, Feb 1, 2002.

  1. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Umm. Hmmm. Wow...

    I just got an e-mail from Capital One saying I was "guaranteed approval" for a Platinum Visa Card. <shock> <alarm>

    I just talked to Mr. Cooke day before yesterday and he said "keep at it, and before you know it you'll be in platinum country." Well, sweet mother of pearl, before you know it is right I guess...

    Figured it must be a mistake. But, I'm on a caffeine high, haven't slept in about 24 hours, so I thought what the hell... What's one more inquiry? Clicked on the little "Act Now!" button in the e-mail, filled out a form and whammo:

    "Congratulations, you have been approved for a Capital One Platinum Visa!"


    I called the New Accounts people when I revived about 10 minutes later--to make sure I wasn't dreaming--and they said yeah, looks good, but the credit line hasn't been set yet, and the fraud check hasn't completed.

    So, anyone had this before where the credit line was not yet set? Any chance this is all a dream, I really am asleep, and they're not gonna send me this card? :)

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    The minimum credit line is $500 for this card :(
  3. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but it's filled with platinumy goodness. My Gold Cap1 card is at $1300 at the moment--would be nice if I got something around there.

    If only $500, I can still use it as a one-gas-purchase-a-month-pay-in-full-until-I-get-a-credit-line-increase-from-perfect-payment-history card. ;)

    It'll also be the first card I've had in awhile with a rate lower than 16%. Not much lower, but lower nonetheless. ;)

  4. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    I've had no problems with Cap 1 - started with a secured card, have perfect payment history, now have Plat w/ $7500 CL. Now thinking about their car loan service ( as soon as my scores rise!)

    PS: because I'm crazy, I ran around the house shouting "What's in YOUR wallet" when I got the card!
  5. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Now why would that make you crazy????? :) their Platinum card is ranked as one of the best ones and it is a cute saying :)))))

    (Ok, I did it too).
  6. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Did you dress up like a barbarian too? <g> Congrats!
  7. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by "dress up"?
  8. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    refering to the Cap 1 commercials.

    Best regards,
  9. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    LOL! Funny...

    I never did run around the house asking "whats in YOUR wallet", but you guys have given me some ideas for harrassing my cats tonight. :)
  10. bc

    bc Well-Known Member

    I know it's from the commercials - what I meant was, sometimes when people say "dress up", it implies that they do it on rare occasions. It's not rarefor me to dress like a barbarian, but I usually wait for the kids to go to bed!! ;)
  11. MikeG

    MikeG Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who received a similar offer. He received a Platinum card with $500 limit. His score is above 700. So let's recount:

    Classic Card - automatic $200
    Gold Card - automatic $300
    Platinum Card - automatic $500

    Pays to check what's in your wallet. Maybe the barbarians stop in the commercial because they dont bother unless the credit limit is $1000.

    Mike G.
  12. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I recieved a Platinum offer guaranteed approval yesterday as well...from Cap 1. I sent it in since it has a zero apr until 8-2002 and then it goes to 14.9 (my lowest rate yet except for maybe the KMart Cap 1 card...can't remember). My question is...just how many cards can you have with one company? This will make number five with Capital One and two with Providian.
  13. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    My gold card has the same rate 0% on BT/Purchases until August then 14.9% fix. Maybe i should ask them to switch it to platinum so i'm embarassed by the cheesy "G O L D" written across the top of the card.

    0% for 6 months, good stuff though.
  14. dakota62

    dakota62 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like me I have 4 with Cap One and 2 with Providian also. I am going to see if they ( Cap 1) will roll a secured card account and up the antiy on the CL.
  15. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    How do you go from their secured to unsecured card? thanks:)
  16. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Well, I just got off the phone with Cap1, and my limit on the new platinum card is 1k. Which is great really cool. I'm up to $2300 between my two Cap1 cards now, and now I can get CL increases on both of 'em every six months. Real Platinum card, here I come! :)

  17. leesac

    leesac Active Member

    My dh and I had separate Cap1 accts. He had 2 unsecured (total limit for both $2300 since rolled into one) and my 1 was secured (total limit $900) He also has a K-mart (going out of business BTW)card (limit $400). We called them up to roll them on to one and were told that Kmart cc couldn't because it's a "specialty card" but the his could only be roll on to my secured Gold Mastercard. No prob. with us my int. is 9.04%. BTW I had it paid off last year and intended to close it down. Called and got better rate - 13.99%-down from 19.8% and now 9.04%(limit $3200) because the Providians we have (me 2, him 1) are going to 29.99%:(
    Cannot wait for refund to come in to pay them all off and close all Providian accts. They are horrible!!!!
    Peace in Christ,

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