I have a few collections showing on my credit report (pulled from PG). One I entered into an oral agreement to make payments (to avoid it being on my credit report according to the woman I spoke with...fell for it.) I had been dealing with the OC but couldn't make a payment as agreed so it went to collections. Is it too late for me to send Validation letters to these collection agencies? These are all debts at least a year old. I was going to send letters to the CRAs next week disputing the derogatories on my report but should I wait and deal with the CAs first?
And for the others, even though it's been more than 30 days (per their original letter to request validation), can I still request validation? I'll contact this other CA and ask them to remove the derogatory.
ABSOLUTELY! Ask for valadation........in WRITING, do not speak to ANYONE over the phone...EVER! There are great sample letters on this site.
The way you do this is you dispute with CRA as not mine as soon as you get the GR.CARD back from the CA.