Have You Been Threatened?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by logic, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. logic

    logic Active Member

    After reading many of these posts, I wondered if anyone was threatened by a company (CA, CRA, Specialty Reporting CRA) for posting on this website? You don't need to reply with their name (otherwise they'll threaten you again for liable!!!) but it would be interesting to find out how many people have had this type of experience.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    There were a few cases reported on this site a couple of years ago, where CA or CRA attorneys tried to introduce copies of postings on this site as evidence in court in some FDCPA or FCRA cases.

    If memory serves me, in one case reported, a CRA attorney attempted to use the threat of introducing such "evidence", made in the hall outside small claims court, to force a settlement. The plaintiff proceeded in court anyway, and the judge just laughed and ignored it.
  3. logic

    logic Active Member

    That's really pathetic and sad. The credit laws were created to preserve truth and confidence in the banking system, not to allow CRA's to intimidate and harrass the consumer.

    Also, sorry about my spelling error in the last post. Thank God there's no such thing as a Spelling Reporting Agency!
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Ther Iz.

    : )
  5. logic

    logic Active Member

    Bad spellers of the world - UNTIE !!
  6. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Five years ago I kouldn't evan spel kolage studint, now I are one!

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