I was searching www.naca.net and found something fairly comical. search for "Fort Worth" and "TX" together, you get a Benjamin Dover ;p I can see the CA's getting a letter from me where I cc: Ben Dover..they'd take me real seriously I bet. Has anyone used him or heard of him before? (non-joke wise)
I knew a lawyer in NH named Richard Head. Of course we all know the nickname for Richard is Dick...... (think about it...ha ha) Really nice guy though.... Mommy2cats
He does a radio show in dallas. He is very funny. His website is a hoot. He used to do a credit negotiation service called cramdown.com. It was one of the originals in that area.
I think it's funny that two of the FTC commissioners are named "Orson Swindle" and "Thomas B. Leary" )
The two PE teachers at my nephews old Junior High were ( no kidding, really) Mr. Hiscock and Mr. Balls.
My granddad's urolgist was Dr. Weiner and my mom's gynecologist was Dr. Box. Guess it was destiny...LOL! DemPooches
I worked for a Dry Cleaner named "Singe" and my husband actually got a call from a guy when he was working the phones at his tech company named "Dr Snuffaluffacus". He had to excuse himself and put the phone down.
My obstetrician's name was Dr. Dildy...lol. You know he must have heard *all* the jokes when he was going through medical school...lol. Awesome OB/GYN, though! L
Benjamin Dover is a radio show host on KFI in Los Angeles on Sunday mornings. He filed BK because of large medical bills and recommends BK to his listeners. http://www.kfi640.com/bendover.html http://www.bendover.com/