hearing with trustee

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dcsf, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. dcsf

    dcsf New Member

    i filed for chapter 7 and will be having a hearing with the trustee a week from now. What should i expect? What happens at this hearing?

  2. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Its absolutely boring. They ask you questions about your schedules, your present living situation, and future prospect of income.
  3. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Its absolutely boring. They ask you questions about your schedules, your present living situation, and future prospect of income.
  4. hoapres

    hoapres Well-Known Member

    Your -(presumably 341) - hearing should be relatively quick and painless. Only in the rare situation, where a creditor grills you -( which I did in my capacity as a HOA treasurer with a dispute in the valuation of a condominium) - will there be any difficulties. (In my case, the 341 hearing was simply refered to the trustee for an accurate appraisal of the condominium). As long as your schedules are accurate, it is unlikely that any creditors will show up.

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