Short and sweet, recently divorced 29,000.00 in unsecured credit card debt. 16,000.00 to citibank and getting threating calls(5 months no payments made because they jacked up the rate after 1st late payment) just started calling me last week, other credits cards are 5000 and smaller and 2 months behind. Where do I start, their settlement are lump sums and I don't have it to give and no assets, recently divorced and I got clothes, personal items some furniture but thats it. Thanks
You say you have nothing and are buried in debt. There is only one thing you can do and that is start learning how to defend and or sue in court. Don't sit around and wait for the bombs to start falling. I've been where you were in your divorce process. Three kids and a wife who wanted to divorce and take the kids leaving me to pay child support and alimony. Didn't happen. I divorced her, took the kids and raised them. Two girls, one 8 and one 6 and a baby boy only 6 months old. She went in demanding to get the kids back and $450 a month in child support plus alimony. That was in Arapahoe County Colorado which is Littleton just outside of Denver. She got nothing but her clothes and other personal possessions. She didn't stand a chance in divorce court. Fathers who run off and leave their kids and their families don't stand a chance to do what I did. I didn't run. There wasn't any fighting in the home either. She just found a new boyfriend and wanted out with a free ride and I was going to have to pay for it. Didn't work that way. I hired an elderly lady attorney and we went to court and won. I didn't know a thing about the law back then. I still don't know much about divorce law and I don't really want to .