My Dear Fellow Creditneters!'s been 16 months since my last post. I thought I would stop by and say hi. I'm sure I'll be checking in from time to time since my credit is now in the gutter. Just a little credit was bad. I found this web site and in about 18 months or less I cleaned up my credit and raised my score to about a 650. Then in mid 2004 I started having credit problems. I didn't get in way over my head, my job situation changed and since then, I've been unable to pay all of my I'm back to crap credit. Oh well...I figure if I got it good once, I can get it back again. I'm not fully ready to start the whole process over again. I just thought I would come on here to copy a few letters. A few collection agency's (like NC F'n O) have been literally BLOWING UP MY PHONES. They call my house from 8am-8pm. They call on the weekend. The call my cell phone during the day. It's too the point were I'm literally going insane. THEY WON'T STOP CALLING! Here's the cake topper: They are now starting to call my relatives! They've called my Dad who lives in NE several times! It's now embarassing because now I have my Dad calling me asking why these people are calling him. The first thing I need to do is probably send them a C&D letter to prevent them from contacting me or any of my family via phone. Any other suggestions from you all are always greatly appreciated. Just to let you know how bad it's 10:00am and they've already called me twice (once at home and once on my cell). Happy Credit Repairing and I hope to post more in the future. I miss you all!
Calling you on your cell phone is causing you to incur charges since you pay for all cell phone calls. That is a violation of the FDCPA for which you can collect $1000 if you sue them The same for calling your father or anyone else for that matter. Since they already know your whereabouts there is no reason to contact a 3rd party to locate you Start documenting their violations and send them a limited cease and desist letter stating they are to contact you by mail only If they continue calling your cellphone / father then sue them! § 805. Communication in connection with debt collection [15 USC 1692c] (a)... (b) COMMUNICATION WITH THIRD PARTIES. Except as provided in section 804, without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector, or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction, or as reasonably necessary to effectuate a postjudgment judicial remedy, a debt collector may not communicate, in connection with the collection of any debt, with any person other than a consumer, his attorney, a consumer reporting agency if otherwise permitted by law, the creditor, the attorney of the creditor, or the attorney of the debt collector. § 808. Unfair practices [15 USC 1692f] A debt collector may not use unfair or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt. Without limiting the general application of the foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section: ... (5) Causing charges to be made to any person for communications by concealment of the true purpose of the communication. Such charges include, but are not limited to, collect telephone calls and telegram fees.
WB MP is good to see u again here. sorry about ur situation. i really can not help u bcs i have never dealed with cr troubles. i entered this site for first time when i was building a credit history from 0. Maybe sound silly but I was wondering why u just do not change ur tel numbers.
HIYA MP, I would say good to see you, but I am in the same boat as you. Got good then effed up in 2003. I've done a great job of ignoring just like you, but I have to get good again. Maybe we can help each other?
its funny to see people back...i figured i was the only one who f'ed up after repairing their credit once. life happens i suppose.
Just like you said, Life happens. FOr me I joined the military in February 2003, and set up online automatic payments prior to me leaving for BCT. Well, somehow one of the account numbers got transposed and the check never got deposited into my account leaving all my payments with no money to cover them. Not having any internet access or telephone priveleges in BCT, I didn't know until it was too late. I was never able to get caught back up and they all went to charge off and subsequent collections. The only thing I managed to save was my car, and that was by the skin of my teeth. Now I'm just too busy to deal with the repair process, and I am hoping that after a while they will all be old enough that I MIGHT be able to get something unsecured eventually.
Since you were not able to know if they got the money or not due to not having internet or phone access, they should have understood. Especially when it was a military obligation. Did you tell them all this and offer them proof?
isn't it illegal for them to cause you to incur fees in their communication with them (usng up your cell phone minutes). i'd send a limited C&D
Welcome back, MP$40. Sorry about the circumstances, though. Do as others have suggested. Send a validation letter with a limited cease & desist, telling them to contact you only via writing. Get your father to document when they call and what they say. Record if it's a one-party state. Don't use the two-page validation letter that everyone used to use. Just something simple that says you want proof that the debt is yours and the amount is correct. You want documents from the original creditor. Search around and I'm sure you'll find more current info.
Erica, are you still in the military? Even if you're not, look into the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act and see if there's something there that can help you.
Re: Hello Everyone! I'm Back (sort I didn't think of that, but no, I'm not in the military anymore. I got a Chapter 2 discharge, for medical reasons. I will look into the SSCRA to see. Thanks!