Does anyone know what kind of letter to write a credit card company that kept charging me late fees & overlimit fees, in which I could not pay because at the time I had no job. After being laid off I had to move across country & find a new job in a different area which had lower living costs. I wrote them again & again stating my situation but they never got back to me. I now am able to start making small payments, but the statement states I have to make a $300 payment now, my percentage rate is 29.99%! Does anyone know anything to help me?
I might be *really* wrong here, but something simular happened to a freind of mine and the bank told her that is why they offer account insurance. The insurance pays the minimums when job loss or something else that causes payments to be missed occurs. You can try pleading your case to them and hope for a sympathizer, but if they happen to offer this insurance and you turned it down, I would think the chances are slim. Like I said, I could be wrong though...I only know of one person who had this happen. Others on this board might know ways around it or have done it. Good luck!
no not ccb a company called LA CURACAO & now the cust svc said the collection dept is in another country?! How does that work & should I just forget about it or pay? HELP SOMEONE! I can't just give someone $620!
huh, what, another country??? have they sent you anything in writing? do ca have to be licensed in your state?
LA CURACAO is a dept store in Los Angeles that now has a mastercard. Apparently the home office is in Mexico or somewhere else other than the U.S. When I called the number on the letter it was to customer service, I am assuming in Los Angeles.