Please help if you can. I am posting for a very dear friend. She was sued by the OC who had taken them to arbitration. My friend and her husband had rejected the arbitration award but then the OC took them to court to confirm the arbitration award. They just lost the suit. Now their attorney says the best deal they can get is to pay 70% of the debt. Is there any hope of appealing this or somehow finding someone who understands these cases that can help? I think the attorney did the best he could but I never felt he was well versed on this matter. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
i can't help you - i just wanted to acknowledge your post. is this the only debt they are delinquent on?
No. They have a lot of debt, 4 children and only the Dad is working. This card alone is over 13,000. I want to find a way to help them. I have directed them on numerous occasions to specific information I have found about arbtration lawsuits. This just has not been enough. I think they need an attorney who is well versed in these things. The attorney they have now is kind, but does not know much about these credit issues.
i'm not a huge fan of bankruptcy - i myself filed for what i realized later was ridiculously low ($15k) - but i think bankruptcy would be their best bet if they can't get out of debt on their own within a reasonable timeframe. AND especially if they are being sued.
Hi Beth, Unfortunately this "arbitration" thing is an absolute nightmare. There are attys. all over the country pulling their hair out over this. It appears the only way to defeat it is an act of Congress. Which means don't hold your breathe. Sometimes Arb Clauses can be beaten if they're defective. But without actually seeing it, none of us here can advise. Send me an email. I have a source that might be able to help.