Ok here it goes I had a credit card in july of 05 wallet was stolen and I notified the OC by letter and by phone to turn the card off. about a year later I was getting calls from HSBC collections I told them what happened and all was ok as far as I knew Now comes Rab Preformance of NJ bought this file and filed suit I have one week till trial now I am in Baltimore County MD. any Ideas I still have my letter to HSBC as well as vladation letter that was sent to their collections " no answer" we all know I had the card not even a month and they never sent me a bill or anything... Thanks ahead of time Chris Baltimore CO MD
Did you report the theft to the police? A copy of a police report will go a long way toward solving this.
Well Kinda, I was in Baltimore City and after an Hr. of waiting I left because I had no decrip. or any knowlege of who took it. and I just thought that i needed to call my credit card companies and go get a new license. But I have my letter that was sent to HSBC 2days after the theft and I talked to HSBC that day to cancel my cards...
When you called HSBC the first time they should have immediately cancelled that card, and deactivated that card. I hope that you sent the follow-up letter CMRRR, and have proof that they received it, because they can always deny that you called them. Did you ever ask for a validation showing what charges were incurred after your wallet was stolen. Your best defense is the timing of your letter (hopefully CMRRR), and the charges after that date.