Help! CA refuses to delete for pmt!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gatita, Jan 21, 2002.

  1. gatita

    gatita Member

    And they're truly jerks too. The guy hollered at me and hung up on me. It's Transcontinental Adj. Co.

    And the bill is for a whopping 130 dollars, a final bill from the phone co that I didn't get. I"m so willing to pay for this, I was hoping to handle this in a nice way. And i'm going for a mortgage soon!

    So I called the original creditor, and tried to sweet talk a lady there. She was actually really nice, but not helpful at all. She said I have to deal w/the CA.

    Here's the question...I sent a validation letter to the CA, and all they did was have SW bell send me copies of the new bills. Is that validation??? Stupid jerks.

    They were so mean to me too! Why do they have to treat us like dirt? Makes me wanna either cry or kick someone.

    Any advice from the brain trust here?
  2. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I don't know the answer, but I'm in the same boat. I have 2 that refuse to delete, so guess what? They go the very bottom of my priority list. I will work on everything else and when that's all that remains, I *might* pay them. Mine is only for $45 & $55 but I don't want them to re-age and they are already 4+ yrs old.
  3. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    What they sent you WAS NOT validation. If I'm wrong, someone will correct me but I think you should now send a second request for validation and then the estoppel letter.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    This is what I would do

    This is what I would do:

    Even though the original creditor 'says' that you have to deal with the CA, I bet if you sent them payment along with the perforated part you tear off of the bill, they will cash the check (if thats what you send). Once they cash it and you have proof, the CA is obsolete and out of luck.
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I would do

    The CA is required to send the validation NOT the original creditor.
  6. gatita

    gatita Member

    Re: This is what I would do, you sneaky devil!

    So if I went ahead and paid the outstanding amount, would the collection agency have to stop reporting, as they had no verifiable debt to report on? Or would my payment be considered an agreement by me that the debt was valid, so it would stay on my reports?

    I agree that it would get the item paid, which is good for the mortgage question...but would it get it off of my reports?

    thanks for the input!
  7. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I would do

    If you do some searching of the board, Roni, has the same sitaution with a utility company whem she did not get her final bill.

    I believe it took some time, but she finally explained the situation to some one in the management at the phone company and they agreed to accept payment and delete the negative info.

    Good Luck

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I would do

    After the utility company accepts the payment, I would dispute directly with the CA. Owe how much? Me? No way! I have proof that the bill has been paid already LOL
  9. anesthesia

    anesthesia Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I would do

    I too had accounts with Transcont. and SWBell. Both Trans and the original creditor refused to delete, eventhough orig creditor lied and said if I paid they would delete. I paid and they reneged, so I made a complaint to the local BBB about Trans and the original creditor for unscrupulous business practices, then I sent a modified Lizardking to Transcont, then I disputed with the CRAs. Transcont was deleted last week from EX. I haven't checked EQ yet, but if it is there, I will sue just like I said I would in my validation letter. With SWBell, I was dealing with a CA in Dallas and with SWBell. Both said they would not delete even if I paid. Acct was for a low amount. I sent a letter to CEO of SWBell via Planet Feedback, then disputed. It came off last week as well. Like I say, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Keep calling til you find someone that will do what you need, and dispute, dispute, dispute. :)
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Should never have to send 2 Validation letters.

    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    i had they same problem with a ca called armor systems who collects for hospitals and doctors they are listing on two of my reports 5x for 5 separate accounts totaling less than 120.00 i would pay this for deletion but they refuse. they keep verifying so i sent them validation for all 5 accounts the got it 01/18 and i havent heard a peep out of them this accounts are from 97 and 98 i doubt they can prove it if they dont repsond i will sue them

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