It's called a SLAPP suit-- Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. It's a blatant strongarm tactic designed to shut you up and it's illegal almost everywhere. A couple of good SLAPP Resources: Link 1 Link 2 Seems to me the perpetrators of this, and even more so, their attorneys, could get in a LOT of trouble for pulling this stuff. After you've determined whether this applies, you may want to think about reporting them to the State Bar.
That's good reading, Quixote, as are Breeze's links! Goooooooooooooo Mommy2Cats! I'm not understanding how Arrow fits in or doesn't Mommy2Cats, they are mentioned in your correspondence with the Attorney that doesn't have a brain cell active. Was Arrow collecting too? Sassy
When we called about whether or not they recieved our fax (for our 3 day intent to sue) they transferred the telephone call. Turns out they transferred it to a woman at Arrow. They never identified themselves as such - we didn't find out until the next day who this woman was. That is in my complaint - Arrow never identified themselves as a debt collector, and Capital One didn't say they were transferring the call to Arrow. No mini-miranda either. Mommy2cats