Help Credit Card Debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mike149, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. mike149

    mike149 Member

    I have been contacted by a law firm in NY. They say I owe a credit card debt.
    I have found out that the SOL of the debt will end in 30 days The last time I made a payment was 9/?/2003. My question is if they supena me before the SOL but we do not go to court until after the SOL has expired do I win? Also what if they supena me and I do not get served until after the SOL do I win? Or do they just have to file the supena before the SOL to get me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mike
  2. ofhumbon

    ofhumbon Well-Known Member

    try to stall them by asking for more info showing the debt is yours and ask them to verify by showing applications, statements etc.
    also make sure what the SOL is in your state (it's different in every state, some people think it is 7 yrs by default, and that is not always the case)

    good luck
  3. mike149

    mike149 Member

    Thanks ofhumbon I know it is three years here in Arizona. I still need to know if they need to get me in court or just file a supena or lawsuit before the time limit.

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