Hello all, New to posting here but have read the site off and on for about the last year. I work overseas as a contractor. I'm also going through a divorce. I tried getting my a credit card (I've been using my bank debit card) and was declined. I pulled a 3in1 report and noticed a lot of old addresses and what appears to be some duplicate tradelines. I want to start clearing up my reports, but would like some advice. I'm thinking the first thing I should do is get the old addresses off my reports. Working overseas, I have no local bills, but my bank statement DOES come to my overseas address (APO). So, I should write the CRA's and give them my current address, and the previous address (also overseas, from '01-'03) and inform them that all other address are not mine, since I no longer live there, correct? I also have some old TL's that were charged off, and a couple of collection accounts. I have not been contacted by the collection agencies, I'm guessing because they don't know where to find me. What would be the best way to dispute any inaccuracies, if I've not been contacted? Send them a request for validation saying that I noticed their entry on my credit report?
Don't contact any of the companies with tradelines on your report. You are correct that the first thing you should do is delete the incorrect addresses. Delete everything but your current one. Just send a letter and say "these are not my addresses." When that is done, you dispute the tradelines with the CRAs as "not mine" and hope they aren't verified. Are they past the SOL? Of course, being out of the country may change the SOL.
Thanks for the reply - it's what seemed logical. Some of the old accounts ARE mine, and I plan to pay in exchange for deletion. All the accounts were against my old mailing address in Texas, which has an SOL of 4 years. Unfortunately, they're all within Texas SOL. Ok, so - 1. Request copies from CRA's. 2. Write CRA's letters giving my current address and saying all other addresses are invalid. 3. Come back here and get more advice! A question, though - if I dispute a TL as "not mine" and it's removed, what's to keep the OC/CA from re-reporting it? -Mike
Open a po box in the USA, use a relative's address in the USA or open a Mailboxes etc account or similar. Do not use an overseas address as current if u will call the CRA's.
Just out of curiosity, why not use the overseas address, if it is my correct address? I don't see the logic in giving them a Stateside address just to have it forwarded from that address. FWIW, I will be writing the CRA's to have them delete the old addresses, not calling them.
Geo, I'm not trying to piss you off - I would like your reasoning behind getting a PO box or other address if you feel that is the best way to go about it.
i think it has to do with SOL.... do a search on the threads - i think if you leave the states the SOL stops and then resumes when you return. dont quote me on that though!
Ok, I've found some info on SOL and see that it's not a good thing to only have the overseas addresses. I think I'll try to get my sister to forward mail for me and use her address, if she's amenable to it. Once I have that done, do I then wait for the CA's to contact me via her address?
as i said before open a mailboxes etc account or similar serv in the country u are in. it will provide u with a usa address.