On both Equifax and Transunion, my Target card was never, ever paid late. It's reporting that part correctly. In good standing, paid and never late. However, in the remarks section on both of those reports it states "included in bankruptcy." I have NEVER filed bankruptcy. Also on Equifax, the current status of the account says: "included in bankruptcy." My TU and Exp scores are both 725-750, but Equifax is only 672, likely due to that stupid status that is completely incorrect. Anyway, I have disputed with both bureaus twice and both continue to leave it on there. I called Target's card services and they can't help me. They said they aren't reporting it that way and nothing like that shows up on their records. Where do I go from here? I was turned down for credit and I'm positive it has to do with that stupid bankruptcy remark. Also on Equifax, Wachovia is reporting a chargeoff from 2005. That's insane, because I have never had an account with Wachovia. I had one with southtrust (bought by Wachovia) about 6 years ago but I closed it in good standing. I just disputed it for the second time, so we'll see.
Hi, I had something similar happen to me but with a false "child support" comment. As in my case, your OC probably typed in the wrong code in the comment section when they reported it to the CRAs. Since you've disputed with the CRA already I would call TU and EQ and ask them to remove it and they probably will because there will be no public record of a backruptcy for you. If the CRA states that they cannot remove it because that is what the OC has reported, then you should WRITE to the OC and tell them to correct their "bankruptcy" reporting, etc. And hopefully they will, and you won't have to take this any further. Unfortunatly, I ended up having to sue over mine, but then again I got a negative tradeline deleted and money. good luck! honeycomb
Did you ever have a spouse, ex-spouse, or someone with whom you had a joint or authorized user account, who filed for bankruptcy?
No, never. It is my account and they are reporting the payment history correctly (i.e., no lates) but for some reason the remarks and current status section say bankruptcy.
Target says they are not reporting as included in bankruptcy? Can you get Target to send you something in writing saying they are not reporting IIB? When you disputed with Eq and TU, what did you get back?
You've disputed it twice - what are the CRA's claiming? Are they saying that Target has verified the BK reference? You'll almost certainly need to do a "procedures" request, because it sounds like their verification procedures in this case are FUBAR. Request, no, demand to know who they contacted at Target, on what dates, along with addresses and phone numbers. Stop "calling" Target. Get something in writing from Target which says they've never reported any BK. Keep fighting. Consider suing the bastards.
The other possibility, which your procedures request may clarify, is that the BK notation is a result of "public records" information put there by the CRA itself, obtained thru outfits like Nexis-Lexis. In that case, your recourse is directly against the CRA, as they are the data furnisher. You might need to sue to get their attention, as public BK records may contain incomplete identifying information to separate you from someone with a similar name.
Sorry to bump this after so long. I appreciate all the help. I finally got back the results from my last dispute, and of course they didn't change this. I called the credit bureaus and they told me it is coming from target, and that target needs to contact them to change it. They told me that I could also get a letter from Target stating the account is not in bankruptcy and fax it to them and they'll change it. I just sent a letter to target demanding they change it and also send me a letter stating the correct status and that I will sue if they don't.