I recently won a case filed with the Labor Commissioner of LA County against my previous employer. They were (are) a publicly listed company and they failed to pay my last month of wages, un-reimbursed business expenses, and commissions. The problem is they've recently closed shop (but haven't gone bankrupt) however they still have a public shell (worth $200k) and a cash account ($160k) that was frozen from another lawsuit. I need to find someone who is qualified to handle a case like this and to go after these crooks on a contingency basis! Please help!!
Use lawyers dotcom or find a Martindale Hubbell at your local library. You want to get a lawyer or firm that specializes in debtor creditor law and bankruptcy from the creditor's perspective. You may have some claims that would have priority over that $160k that's already frozen, but unless you know where, when and how to assert them, they could easily be lost, sooner rather than later.