THank you in advance for responding to me! I finally began taking my credit seriously after 7 years of abuse. I wouldnt look at my credit report/score until last friday. TU-505 EXP-649 EQ-?? I've been reading these boards religiously for the past several days and I am now so confused about the first step. There's so much info I cant get my mind around it and really need a hand. Where should I begin. I know that this has been answered but I really need updated info as much of the advice on the board is dated and I dont know if its still relevant. I have some charge offs, "paid as agrees" and a student loan that almost defaulted for $25000. I read that validations should be sent to CA's, but not before calling CRA's to delete old addy's so that info doesnt match up with CA's. The sending letter to CRA's. Im confused about the number of letters and time periods required. Geesh, Im just confused all the way around! Please help me somebody!