Help...Just pulled my credit report and date of birth is wrong

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by reyrey39, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. reyrey39

    reyrey39 New Member

    I have no idea how, but my date of birth is June 10, 1904 is shown as that on my credit report .My real date of birth is July 1981. What can I do to change that, and how did it get that way? WIl it show the same on all the reports, I can only see Equifax.

    Thanks in advance. I am guessing this why maybe I am having such trouble with my credit. When I bought my house they wouldn't allow me to turn on my electric because of my age. I never figured out why, and in the whirlwind of what happens when buying a house we just had my husband do it and I forgot.

  2. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Send in a copy of your drivers license or birth certificate or something along those lines and dispute with's possible that the incorrect date is being reported on the other CR. allows you to pull all 3 reports free each year.
  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I may be wrong, but,

    I beleive you can send a letter to Equifax along with a copy of your driver's liscense and state that your DOB is wrong and it needs to be corrected.

    Have you pulled all 3 of your credit reports? If you haven't you can get free ones every year through here:

    Ack I hope posting that link is ok.

    Reason is if it is incorrect on Equifax it may be incorrect on the others also. Also check your reports for correct information. You will be amazed at what you may find. Most disputes for name and addresses need to be done by mail with a copy of your DL as Id. Some say you can call but they will usually want to see the Id first. Check names, addys, DOB, SSN for correctness. Take a look at your items on there too and see if they are correct. Be sure to check with each agencies report on instructions for disputes.

    After all it is your credit and it's what lenders look at when they pull it so you have the right for it to be correct.

    Best of luck,
  4. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Sniped! lol
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on reaching the ripe old age of 102, and STILL using credit!

    Although DOB errors are most likely due to errors in data submitted by some creditor, you should also check to see that there are no erroneous addresses or accounts showing, and that no unexpected companies are pulling inquires, to guard against either a mixed file (someone else's data ending up on your reports), or id theft.
  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    I'll give you a better example of EQ logic...

    My sister was born in 00/00/0000... The best part... She sent in a dispute, they refused to dispute because the DOB in the dispute didn't say that she was born on 00/00/0000.

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