Well, I talked to another rep today, who gave me YET ANOTHER version of what I should do to get my name off the account. Oh, also they decided to close the account today since I asked (JEESUZCHRIST, I've been contesting for HOW LONG NOW????). I spoke to the CEO of the company for the account, and he's agreed to sign whatever it takes to take over the account from me (not that I in any way assert that I ever had control), but, naturally, this time around I want my name off the account "for real". They didn't get my name off it when I closed the account over a year ago, and they didn't even close the account when I said and provided in writing that I was contesting it weeks ago, so I'd really like something in writing this time around. But, nobody will put anything in writing. I assume because their policies of nonstop lying are in contradiction with writing anything down. Funny thing, now they acknowledge that I'm not the only one on the account...a few days ago they insisted I was. Yet another lie. I have to ask, are any of these phone conversations I've recorded worth anything? I have so many documented lies, with no real hope that they'll honor any agreement, so I figure sooner or later this will come to court. Louisiana is a one party state, and I've told them I record conversations (and they record all conversations as part of regular business practice), but I'm more concerned with whether any agreements or claims made on the phone are valid. Just keeping you guys advised. Take care, Rick