Help me find something to dispute!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SWFlaMom, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. SWFlaMom

    SWFlaMom Member

    I'm looking at my EX report and it says:
    Date opened 9/2000/reported since 8/2000. How does that happen?

    I pulled my EX CR in 2002 and found out about a CA from 2000. Disputed. Came back verified, so I paid the piddly $60. (Now I know better.)

    All 3 CRs say "creditor recently located individual", but I've been in the same place since '96, and the OC had my correct address. And EYE was the one who contacted THEM!

    Status details say "Collection as of 7-2002, 7-2002, 6-2002, 11-2000, 8-2000." (WTH?)

    This is the major reason I'm not getting approved for credit. Please, I desperately need advice!
  2. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    None of those dates are really all that important. The important date is the date you defaulted on your creditor and sometimes that date isn't shown on credit reports you get from the credit bureaus.

    I get that date when I pull credit reports every time.
    That is very helpful information because it can help me to figure out what has gone wrong and why the debtors accounts went into default. When I talk to the debtor then I can flesh out the rest of the story and have a fair idea of how to go about getting the account paid if that is possible and they are willing to cooperate with me.

    I never badger them or try to make them feel ashamed. That kind of stuff is not productive. It only makes people mad and I can't expect to get them to pay up if I make them mad at me.
  3. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    This is a little confusing. Are you referring to a report you pulled in 2002? Regardless, you indicated that you PAID the CA. Therefore, it should be reporting as a PAID COLLECTION (which many, including myself, will say is just as bad as an unpaid collection). What is being reported simply isn't accurate.

    Aside from continued disputes, I would demand procedures (do a search on that one - there's been much written about it).
  4. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    The original poster asked for advice. Well, that's real good advice, kaykay29 (NOT!). You're a CA, aren't you? And you certainly like blowing your own horn, don't you?
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    Sure explains why kaykay29s fiancee got sued twice for $100,000 each time don't it?
    Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    Here is why it just as bad or worse.

    When you fail to pay as Agreed they send it to collections and report it to the CRAS.
    A collection is a Derog. because it indicates that you defaulted by not paying as originally agreed.
    When you pay a collection you are merrily paying the collection which is not as originally agreed.
    Paying the collection does not erase the fact that you defaulted on the original agreement.
    This is why you can't just simply pay the collection and make a Neg. item go away. It's also why a paid collection is no better than an un paid one on your reports.
    Whither or not you pay the collection has nothing to do with the fact that you defaulted.
    Simply paying the collection off will not change that fact.

    Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
  7. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    Why not?
  8. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    No, He got sued because the Bank let him down when they should have been there for him.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    Originally posted by tr1252
    The original poster asked for advice. Well, that's real good advice, kaykay29 (NOT!).

    1*Why not?
    You're a CA, aren't you?

    kaykay 29

    1*If you can't give your fiancee good advice and it got him sued twice I can imagine what Your advice would do to A stranger.

    Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
  10. Col. K0rn

    Col. K0rn Well-Known Member

    Well, as we used to say when I was going to school for Computer Programming, "To be a White Hat, sometimes you have to wear the Black Hat." White Hats are people that build the network and software protection systems/programs, and the Black Hats are the "hackers".

    My guess is that she's trying to switch hats...poking around to see what strategies we are coming up with. Heck, the only thing she needs to do is read the freaking law...

    Col. K0rn
  11. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    I didn't advise him.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    No he got sued because he either didn't know the law or thought that he was above it.
  13. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    Your strategies are no secret and I don't have a problem with the freaking law.
  14. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    He knew that when the debtor demanded proof the bank had to provide it or they had no case. He demanded that the bank prove their case and they didn't do it. When they didn't do what they were supposed to do he immediately dismissed their case. There was nothing else he could do.
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I don't have a problem with the freaking law.
    Yeah you do!

    Other wise you wouldn't be blaming your fiancees, run in with the law on the bank, Bill Bauer or the consumer that sued him.
    The only person responsible for that was your fiancee

    Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
  16. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Why are you defending Bill Bauer?
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Why are you blaming Bill Bauer?????

    Flying with LB, your fiancee losing those 2 cases and likely the pending case on FDCPA violations as well, has nothing to do with Bill Bauer or Household.

    He willingly chose to take a case he knew he couldn't prove and win. He should have required the documentation from HH before agreeing to take the case.

  18. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Read the FAQ stuck at the top of the threads and these links will help you:

    Overall explanation of the disputing process, CRA focus (ty Michael):

    Overall explanation of the validation process, CA's (ty Kristy):

    Overall explanation of the verification process, OC's/furnishers:

    All information (any piece) that is reported has to be accurate and complete; updated and verifiable -- if it's not dispute it.

    Send validation letters to CA's (out front in the sample letters forum)

    Send verification letters to OC's/Furnishers -- linked above.

    Once they've received the letter, dispute again with the CRA's to force the FCRA 30-day timeframe for dispute resolution.

  19. kaykay29

    kaykay29 Banned

    Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    All depends on how you look at it. Bill Bauer was right there by cell phone telling the dude what to do. Without that the dude would never have been able to win.

    The banks never provide the level of documentation that the dude was demanding. It isn't necessary and would require way too much time and expense. Most debtors never show up in court anyway. This one would not have gone to court if it had not been for Bill Bauer.

    My fiancee isn't all that worried about it anyway. I was. It just about made me sick at first. I was afraid we wouldn't be able to get married because of it but my fiancee says it isn't enough money to worry about.

    He says it will be a long, long time before the dude will ever get any money anyway.
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute!

    but don't confuse KK the CA with the facts.

    Hay KK the CA I'm a poet and didn't know it !

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