1*All depends on how you look at it. Bill Bauer was right there by cell phone telling the dude what to do. 2*Without that the dude would never have been able to win. 3*The banks never provide the level of documentation that the dude was demanding. 4*It isn't necessary and would require way too much time and expense. 5* Most debtors never show up in court anyway. 6*This one would not have gone to court if it had not been for Bill Bauer. 7*He says it will be a long, long time before the dude will ever get any money anyway. KK- the - CA ===================== 1*A hearty thank you to BB. 2*And HH and you lover boy would have screwed the consumer over as usual. 3*Then it should have been kept out of court. 4*It must have been necessary or your lover would not have lost. 5*This is what he was counting on but when it backfired on him you want to blame everyone else. 6*A big round of applause for Bill everybody. BTY it was your boyfriends fault it went to court. His and his alone. 7*The old CA double standard: Everybody should pay their debts except CAs. Funny how it's a whole different story now that the shoe is on the other foot. Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute! wanted to jump in here, so from what I am reading ,KK you are blaming BB for giving a debtor suggestions and informing him of his legal rights as a consumer? becuase he wouldn't have the knowledge otherwise? awhh to bad that knowledge is power If the bank is required to provide the documentation and they didnt for whatever reason it's not the debtors fault its the bank for not complying!!! and it's NOT the debtors problem is the banks its just like being innocent until proved quilty in a court of law. wheres the evidence? guess next time the bank will be more careful to protect themselfs . I not saying that either party is right/wrong as I do not know both sides of the entire story, I am not a judge nor mediator, nor lawyer just a consumer looking out for his own rights and the rights of other consumers who are abused by the system.
Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute! A wonderfully informative thread. For one thing, it looks like after you win your suit against your collection atty. you should then turn around and file aginst him for frivolous suit. This business of suing an alleged debtor in order to extort payment of a debt, which the debtor insisted was not his, MUST BE STOPPED. Frankly $100,000 is not nearly enough. Why? Because he's "not worried about it anyway". And "it's not very much money". ( Nobody here feels the least bit sorry for you KK. . Interestingly KK, you seem to have an axtraordinary nack, as do most collection attys., for ignoring the obvious, (actually more like not giving a rats ass about a consumers rights). In one breathe "it will be a long time before he pays anything". Yet the "insurance co. pd. the claim"; and; "his premium went way up". (Sounds to me like he's already paying) LOL KK, this is precisely this kind of blatent stupidity that caused your fiance' all this trouble in the first place. Besides, if you think this is bad, wait til our students get a hold of him. BTW - welcome to the board.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute! I'm glad Butch showed up aren't you? KK29 was about to convert us all - right; Not.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something to dispute! She took the course fun mentioned here in the please disregard.. Thread LOL ======== ======================== quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by fun4u2 Oh I know to ignore ... take CA ignore 101 class where they teach their coll agents how to respond to consumers DV lol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
Re: Re: Re: Help me find something I'm confused here. Kay, are you in a mental institution or have a rich fantasy life? Are you thinking that you've somehow infiltrated a secret clan? We are here in the interest of sharing info and supporting one another to work through the maze of laws to our success. What makes you think that are "strategies are secret" to begin with? Some of what you say makes no sense to a sane person at all. Are you here to help.... or....?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something I think I am in a mental institution. All of the available evidence points to that conclusion. LOL You should go back to the 9th post in this thread to see where that came from. My guess is that she's trying to switch hats...poking around to see what strategies we are coming up with. Heck, the only thing she needs to do is read the freaking law... Col. K0rn Col. K0rn Every time I try to help I get slammed by inmates who all seem to hate CAs.
Re: Help me find so Truthfully, I feel uncomfortable when I read your attempted help. I mistrust your intentions. I don't hate anyone. I do get tired of trying hard to work things out in my financial life and getting blocked again and again by others trying to make a buck on my misfortune (CAs). They lie to me, and will not accept anything less than full payment and the list goes on. Can you help my understand why you are not like all the others and somehow feel motivated to "help" here?
Re: Re: Help me find so I'm not trying to make a buck here at all. I'm not selling anything and I'm not promoting anybody. I dont have any agendas and I'm not here looking for debtors to harass. I'm not trying to spread disinformation to confuse people about what they should or should not do. I'm not here to bash people because they are in debt and won't pay their bills or can't pay their bills. I'm sorry that there are CAs who mistreat people, lie to them and think they can get away with anything simply because most debtors don't know their rights and are afraid to defend themselves and their rights. But that is their problem and yours, not mine. I'm just havin fun and if I can add something that I think might be helpful to the conversations I will. And maybe I can learn not to be as bad as so many of my colleagues are.
Re: Re: Help me find so Up until I found this board I thought Insurers were the undisputed masters of deception now however I have discovered that CAs more than meet their match. NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it.
Re: Help me find so Okay. That is fair enough, and I will take you at your word. Turth is, one strength of being empowered is knowing your "enemies" way of thinking.... so you're a HUGE bonus to us from that aspect. I appreciate that you take the time to add your 2 cents. Oddly enough, I'm here for "fun" too, even though my fun is in the form of continuing to improve my credit and assist others to do the same.