Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Help me find something Every time I try to help I get slammed by inmates who all seem to hate CAs KK29 *************************** I just can't see why folks don't love them ,Snicker Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like it. NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ************************************************************
: Help me find something Truthfully, I feel uncomfortable when I read your attempted help. I mistrust your intentions. I don't hate anyone. I do get tired of trying hard to work things out in my financial life and getting blocked again and again by others trying to make a buck on my misfortune (CAs). They lie to me, and will not accept anything less than full payment and the list goes on. Can you help my understand why you are not like all the others and somehow feel motivated to "help" here? goldhummin ================ Nice post. NEW MEMBERS READ THIS. ************************************************************