I paid the OC in March when I started service with them again, I wasnt even aware that they sent me to collections, so I called them and they told me that they sent NCO a letter stating that I have paid my balance, so why is NCO just now showing up, and it says sate reported 10/2006 but it just showed up for the the first time last week, what do I do?
Dispute the tradeline with the CRA and send NCO a copy of the paid in full letter from the OC. Contact the OC to find out what happened, and have them remove the account from NCO.
OPT OUT at (888) 5 OPT OUT, and don't ever call a CA. Do everything in writing, don't ever sign anything you send a CA.
Send a letter to NCO stating that you intend to sue them for reporting an inaccurate account upon your credit reports. They will delete the account tradeline within two weeks.
Dear Sir or Madam: NCO Financial is reporting inaccurate and misleading information upon my credit reports; specifically, under Account No: XYZ. Unless the aforesaid account tradeline is removed within 30 days, I will institute a civil action against NCO for damages effected to my credit worthiness. John Doe Cc: Your AG
thanks...now should I send this now, or after I get back the results for from the dispute from the CRA?
Well, they won't mark it as being in dispute so you could file a civil action. However, you could do that regardless of whether they delete it by volition of your communication to them. Personally, I'd just send the letter and be satisfied with the deletion. In other words, send it off now and put it in the rear-view.
One explanation is that occasionally CRAs don't list accounts if the PII doesn't match close enough to the reported information. If someone (or you) updated the PII to match close enough, the masked information is posted.