Ok first let me appologize, as this will be long. 1. Ok If I want to dispute something with the CRA is it a bad idea to do it online? 2. Several accounts will fall off 8-03 and 9-03. Should I just ignore them and work on other things? 3. If an account is charged off, sold, charged off, sold, and then paid can it show up 3 times..Yeah it really is!! (The first charge-off was the OC and they then sold it. I never heard from the second yahoos who also show charge off and then sold. The third one I oaid like A DUMMY and it shows paid collection. ) 4. How do I dispute a judgement, that shows up twice, very obviously the same one, off by one dollar. It is from 12-98 so am I out of the SOL? and is it ok to try and work on it? It was from a repo and the OC (ford) still has it. 5. I had a BK dismissed (decided not to) in 6-97. Is there anything I can do? 6. How should I dispute an account that says "Included in BK" on one line and Charge off on another? Itis still with the OC, but I paid it off and am not sure what to do? 7.An account that was only open 7-98 to 1-99 says "30 days late-00 60 days late 00 90+ days late 34 times." How to dispute that as it is OBVIOUSLY impossible. It is a CA 8. An account that says charge-off is listed twice, one after the other same acct number. It comes off 11-03 based on DOLA. Should i just let it go and wait till it drops off? Or should I try to get it off now. It was an unsecured loan, so I am afraid to stir up the hornets nest. The OC still has it. Whew i think that is it. Any and all replies are greatly appreciated!!! This is so disenheartening. I was an absolute IDIOT in my younger days and now I want to make it right. I have other collection accounts that I plan to pay and hope that they will take them off my record. If not well thats life I suppose. Maria
Strange, somehow my comments didn't make it. Let me try again: Wow! That's a lot of questions! I bet I can answer them, though. 1) The purpose of doing it online is to speed the process. This is a good thing. Go ahead. 2) If they are that close to the SOL, I'd wait. If you're not going to buy a house or a car in that time, let time do your work for you. 3) Yes, it can show up more than once. If you paid the account, then all three entries should show a balance of zero, and they're all subject to the first statute of limitations. Oh, and you're NOT a dummy for paying a debt! That's a GOOD thing! 4) You dispute a judgment that shows up twice by writing a dipute letter to the credit bureaus. Tell them that it is the same judgment, and they should remove one. 5) Unfortunatly, no. Your bankruptcy is a part of yourpublic record, even if you had it dismissed. That's the bad news, the good news is that since it's six years old, its effect on your credit score is minor. Just make sure you keep your copy of the dismissal papers in a safe place so that you have them if you need them. 6) It sounds like both these entries are true. Still, if it's six years old, it's facing the SOL pretty soon too. 7) It seems like it would be common sense that an account can't be 90 days past due without first being 30 and 60 days past due, but sometime the creditors choose only to report the worst. If it reached 90 days past due, it's assumed to also have reached 30 and 60 days past due, they don't have to say it. 8) An account listed twice...is this a tri-merged credit report you're looking at? If it is, this is common. What happens is that the data from one of the credit bureaus is slightly different, so the company that compiles the credit report handles it by reporting the data from the third company as a seperate entry. If that's the case, don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with your score. That may also be the case for the judgment that reports twice. If it comes off 11/03...then consider my answer to question 2. If you're going to be making a major purchase in that time where credit will be very important, then it's worth taking care of now. If not, then let time do your work for you. Finally...everyone is an idiot at some time, don't beat yourself up for it. Some people never stop being idiots. If you've learned something from all this, then feel good about yourself for it.
First off.. Thanks so very much Mycroft!!! Oh and as far as paying my debt and being dumb, I meant that I should have asked when i payed if they would remove the info, that i was dumb for not doing that, not for paying..LOL 6) It sounds like both these entries are true. Still, if it's six years old, it's facing the SOL pretty soon too. **The only thing is that I didnt have anything included in BK and it wasn't charged off either. SO I guess I just contact them and see. 7) It seems like it would be common sense that an account can't be 90 days past due without first being 30 and 60 days past due, but sometime the creditors choose only to report the worst. If it reached 90 days past due, it's assumed to also have reached 30 and 60 days past due, they don't have to say it. **What i meant here was that it says it was 90+ late 34 times. That is immpossible due to the acct only being open like 7 months. This is what i am disputing. I am disputing as never late. 8) An account listed twice...is this a tri-merged credit report you're looking at? If it is, this is common. What happens is that the data from one of the credit bureaus is slightly different, so the company that compiles the credit report handles it by reporting the data from the third company as a seperate entry. If that's the case, don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with your score. That may also be the case for the judgment that reports twice. **I ordered all my reports seperatly so I could clear them all up. This is gona be a long process, but I know that I will NEVER be a credit risk again. This is crazy!!!
6) It sounds like both these entries are true. Still, if it's six years old, it's facing the SOL pretty soon too. 1***The only thing is that I didn't have anything included in BK and it wasn't charged off either. SO I guess I just contact them and see. 2*This is crazy!!! mariad ================ 1*Reporting inaccurate info. is not allowed by law. 2*Because most of the people running things are escapees from the funny farm . The END ************************* LB 59
I would dispute the bk noted as accounts as inaccurate. I would dispute both judgements as " not mine" and see what happens with the cra. I would dispute the account with the 34 late pays also. just a note: disputing online works but it also helps to do the mail thing, because you can include more information for your disputes. but if you are doing first round " not mine" then online is fine!
Most here prefer CMRRR in case you have to use it in court. CMRRR has helped me provide pressure several creditors into deletion. You could, or else you could dispute them as "not mine" and have them fall off a few months early or "never late" and have them updated to positive. "Not mine" is a standard dispute tactic for old accounts. The idea is hopefully the creditor won't be able to find your records and won't verify. You can always dispute them as "not mine". If they get verified do a search for the nutcase and knockout letters. When disputing judgements, be sure to remove your previous addresses that were associated with those judgments off your credit reports. The reason is most judgments do not include Social Security #'s and by removing the old addy's it only leave the CRA with a name to verify. BTW dealing with judgements is a totally diffrent ballgame. They just don't go away. Depending ons what state your in it can take 10+ year for the SOL to run out and they can be renewed. Unless your willing to do some research or hire an attorney to see if you can't get it vacated, do not dispute any tradeline from the holder of the judgment, let sleeping dogs lie. Dispute it as not mine. It should fall off anyways after 7 years since it was dismissed. Dispute as "not mine". Was the account actually included in your BK? If so why did you pay it? I see good lawsuit fodder with this one. Dispute with the CRA's as never late. Send off validation letter at the same time to the CA. If it gets verified you might be able to make some money off them for FDCPA violations. Dispute as "duplicate account" or "not mine". NEVER EVER pay a CA account without negotiating some sort of written settlement wherein they agree to delete the account from your credit reports or unless they have you by the cajones after filing a lawsuit. A paid collection is as bad as unpaid collection as far as FICO is concerned. So it really does you no good to pay them unless you can get the CA to delete. The average success rate for the first two rounds of disputes is somewhere in the neighborhood of 40%. Your mileage my vary. Whatever gets verified you will have to learn how to go after the furnisher of information. Read the top INTRO threads on this board and learn the advanced techniques that are used by the veterans here. Finally considering your situation, it might not be bad idea to "opt out" before you start doing credit repair. It will help keep the skeleton CA's from knowing you are doing credit repair then waking up and coming after you.
3. If an account is charged off, sold, charged off, sold, and then paid can it show up 3 times..Yeah it really is!! (The first charge-off was the OC and they then sold it. I never heard from the second yahoos who also show charge off and then sold. The third one I paid like A DUMMY and it shows paid collection. ) 4. How do I dispute a judgement, that shows up twice, very obviously the same one, off by one dollar. It is from 12-98 so am I out of the SOL? and is it ok to try and work on it? It was from a repo and the OC (ford) still has it. 5*I have other collection accounts that I plan to pay and hope that they will take them off my record. 6*If not well that's life I suppose. Maria ==================== 3*A ca can not charge off a debt. 4*is it a valid judgment? Judgments don't have a SOL.They can be renewed. 5*Pay them and there is little or no hope of getting them off. 6*NO It's not life - it's doing it wrong.!The END********************* LB 59
Hi Maria, Just take each one on a case by case basis--it's easy to get overwhelmed. I have had some similar problems as you and here's what I did: * When accounts get 3-4 months off from their natural 7-year death, dispute them as obsolete. It's easy enough to do while "working on other things" and it's a psychological victory every derog you have removed. Why wait? * Dispute the "paid collection" and OC listings as "duplicate", since it's listed elsewhere as a chargeoff/sold, etc since CRAs are not supposed to list duplicate accounts. Then, dispute the chargeoff/sold/transferred accounts as "not mine". The intermediary companies who bought/sold your accounts no longer have a vested interest in them, and probably don't even have a record of your account anymore. I never had a problem getting rid of these, particularly the "old" ones. * Don't feel bad about paying that collection. The good news is, once you get it off your report, you don't have to worry about it rearing it's ugly head in the future, since those people are paid off. That's a good thing. * The "included in BK" you should easily be able to dispute these entries w/the CRA, since BK is clearly dismissed. As well as the "90 days late 34+ times" (the only way that could be true is if there is still an unpaid balance on the account). * The dismissed BK (here's the bad news)...Equifax loves to report dismissed BKs for a full 10 years. I know, that makes a lot of sense, right? I'm still battling with them myself (I "filed" in '95). EX and TU removed mine when I asked (long before the 7 year mark). * The chargeoff (w/duplicate acct #), you should write a letter to the CRA stating "the account #s are identical, please remove the duplicate listing" and stress that "this action does not require an investigation...please reply within 10 days". That way they won't contact the creditor. You'll be fine...I think everyone here has been an "idiot" when it comes to credit, so you're not alone. Good luck!
<< 1*Oh, and you're NOT a dummy for paying a debt! That's a GOOD thing! 2*(4) You dispute a judgment that shows up twice by writing a depute letter to the credit bureaus. Tell them that it is the same judgment, and they should remove one. Mycroft ================ 1* You are a dummy if you pay it the wrong way which isn't a good thing. 2*Confession may be good for the sole but it sure ain't good for the pocket book in this case. Don't tell them that - see if the judgment can be vacated. You don't want one of them off.Get rid of both of them. The END ************************* LB 59 >>
<< 1*Oh, and you're NOT a dummy for paying a debt! That's a GOOD thing! 2*(4) You dispute a judgment that shows up twice by writing a depute letter to the credit bureaus. Tell them that it is the same judgment, and they should remove one. Mycroft ================ 1* You are a dummy if you pay it the wrong way which isn't a good thing. 2*Confession may be good for the sole but it sure ain't good for the pocket book in this case. Don't tell them that - see if the judgment can be vacated. You don't want one of them off.Get rid of both of them.
Thanks all so much for the info! I started the process and TU is showing my disputes but equifax is not. I am having problems getting experian to give me my report. helli will pay for it, but they are having problems validating that I am who i say I am. Also a side note..I spoke with an IDIOT at Transunion. I decided to call and dispute all my parents mortgages that show up on TU. She asked "Are you sure they aren't yours???" I said YES as I am only 27 and the mortgages were all opened before I hit 18. Then she said "Well, rarely do mortgage companies make this many mistakes. Have you ever had a mortgage" I felt like saying..DIDNT we just have this freaking conversation?? Also are we looking at the same credit report? Who is gonna give me a mortgage? So then i say no never, please dispute xxx and xxx and xxx. So hopefully that will be a start as I think that my debt to income ratio will look better.