Warning...you might not want to give too much specific information like this. These creditors/collectors, as well as the CRAs, could easily be lurking here, and could probably look thru their records to determine who you are. Thus, any advice which is offered to you here, they'll also read, and then they'll know exactly what you're up to. I had read about a few instances in the past where collection agents, and even TU, used stuff found here against a consumer. Instead, might I recommend that you use more general references, for instance "a utility company", "a junk debt buyer", "charge off of over $400", etc.
I have had the hardest time getting accounts off of Experian. TU seems to be easiest followed by EQ. EX is tough for me. I recently got all of my inquiries dropped from TU and EQ but they remain on EX. Also had a collection account that I got deleted off TU and EQ but ended up doing a PFD on EX because they wouldn't drop it. If you get someting that works, please share!