I just checked my TU and a hard inquiry is showing. Who is this company: Landsafe credit via Telemarketing CMD: Permissible purpose = credit transaction. This is what is says on my report. I gave no one permission to pull and don't owe anyone either for a collection. Can anyone tell me who this is?
Des, No I haven't purchased a 3-1 merge report. I think I may have an idea though who did this. I currently have Countrywide Mortgage. Last Friday I send an e-mail to their C/S via their website inquiring about refinance rates. Their C/S responded via e-mail that they would call me after they looked at my existing Countrywide account. I never gave anyone permission to pull a report I specifically stated I wanted to discuss this only. I did a search on this landsafe company and found that Countrywide owns them. TU almost never deletes inquiries. How do I get this removed. I have my e-mail and a copy of Countrywide response and no where do they or I mention pulling a bureau. I did not complete any applications, etc. Please advise!!Copy of Countrywides e-mail below: Thank you for your on-line inquiry. I'll look up your account number and call you. If you need to reach me sooner, please feel free to call me at the number listed below. Thank you. Laurie Rowley Home Finance Consultant 1-800-641-4497 ext. 9341
Send them this or your version of this letter I used see post: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=131947#post131947 along with a copy of the email you sent them and tell them you did NOT give them permission. I would ask for the $1,000. Print out a couple copies of your email (in case computer crashes) or you lose one and file a lawsuit if they don't send your money or delete. I would preferably (but I'm sue happy lately) ask for $250 (minimum) plus deletion of the inquiry.
Thanks Chriti! But since this is my current mortgage holder will they retaliate if I sue them?? Checked EQ and EX, no inquiries found just TU.
It's up to you...Frankly I am tired of being "run over" by all these SOBs. I wouldn't care if it was mortgage holder, my old credit card holder or my current employer (looking for a job when I found this one). *IF* they claim it was account review, it should be a 'soft' inquiry anyway. I would at the very minimum DEMAND they remove the inquiry, tell them it caused your score to drop by 4 pts and you need all the points you can get. Or let it go...
CHristi- I have a question for you regarding this. Citbank has FAITHFULLY pulled a hard inquiry on every other week since I opened an account with them in early January. I have 8 inquiries from them and none of them are marked soft. Is there anything I can do?
Since you have an account with them...I don't know. In my lawsuit settlement offers I asked for all "hard" inquiries by anyone that I have EVER or currently have an account with to be deleted or changed to AR or "soft" inquiries. I was successful in that. I really don't know to be quite honest. Read and see what the FCRA says on it.